It's been a while that I'm developing a camera control board and its software. That takes me hours sending commands for testing it on long shooting sessions. There was no battery enough here for such amount of tests... until now! ;)
Some time ago I've noticed a small hole on the battery slot of my S95. It is protected under a flexible rubber stopper. Well, then I decided to improvise and build an external battery adapter by hacking an old worn out battery. Two 3D printed plates and a female JST are now replacing the cell. By that way I can use external sources like bigger 1S Lipo batteries. Here go the images. It's quite simple, but very effective.
Battery tear-down:
The white plastic base was cut to be the female slot. The female cable was soldered on a little embedded circuit which has the contacts of the battery cage. A 3D printed core was build as two identical pieces:
That's it! All the parts was glued with CA.
Now I can use external 1S Lipos or even a DC source who will give me hours of work with no interruption. =)
Note: If you will gonna do that, do it at your own risk. Here is working like a charm.
Here is the STL object. for 3D printing: Adapt_Battery_S95.STL
Sandro Benigno
@Morli: Yeah, there are some interesting S1 out there. This one for example is two times and a half the original S95's one: Adafruit: Lithium Ion Polymer Battery - 3.7v 2500mAh
@Swift: Thanks, man! Believe me, I wouldn't put myself there, neither on the top 10... hehe ;)
Good work Sandro.
Lack of battery endurance is one thing that plagues almost every one. Many of the cameras having USB charging port do not work simultaneously while recording. This is good way of doing it. Thanks again for sharing with the community.
@mP1: That is quite possible... let's watch. ;)
i wonder if the chinese factories will mass product this hack ;b
@F1P: I know the feeling. My relationship with Canon is kinda love and hate since 2009. Go Canon! Keep trying.
@Noli: I wish you luck. Let us know about the result. ;)
@Guto: You rock! The 3D printer were just a concept, then you've borrowed me your hands. Thanks buddy!
Note.: I'm far away from JJ skills... I would need to eat tons of atomic cereals to get there. :P
Excellent! I have been interested in a way to do this but now I won't need to! Great job.
Wow, you are working hard there in BH my friend!
You and JJ (Jose Julio) are in my "top of mind" makers in the world...
See you buddy
Sandro, nice tip that you can also use the standard Canon battery charger for this hardware hack. I am planning to do this hack for Canon sx260HS camera which is also using "BATTERY PACK NB-BL".
Sandro Benigno 54 minutes ago@F1P: Yes. The plus here is that the internal circuit allows me to recharge the external Lipos, by using the standard S95 charger.
And some bucks savings - 50 or so. =)
Unfortunately canon now remove external power connector from all "compact" cameraz... =\
@Eduardo: full control under a protocol. No just pulses or so.
@Simon: the 3D file is already there linked after the latest picture.
@F1P: Yes. The plus here is that the internal circuit allows me to recharge the external Lipos, by using the standard S95 charger.