

The DJI Wookong multi rotor M was put through a set of tests this afternoon, the first was normal flight, we then moved to position hold and changed the altitude, the DJI proved to be extremely stable in flight and held a very solid position in the sky, when the altitude change was done in GPS position hold it didn't drift, it maintained its position, the Return To Launch was the final test we did, it saw the copter back to home with only a few meters from where it took off! The DJI will rise to 20 meters if below 20 meters or stay at the same height if above for the RTL, when above the take off position it lowers to the ground and kills the engines!

This to date has to be the best multi rotor controller I have seen in action!! I know ACM will catch up soon :)








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  • The motors I used are here:




  • Alex, here is a video of the same heli at our meet a couple of weeks ago. It was very rainy and blustery...mostly flying gps mode.




  • Distributor



    I agree with the points Chris has made about the cost and the advances made with the ACM code, the cost of the DJI is one which Gunter and I had at the field yesterday, at 4 times the cost you expect 4 times more! From all that I have seen the ACM has been gaining a great deal of ground over the past 6 months on all the closed source controllers in the market place. I really believe that in the next few months we will have an ACM code which will deliver outstanding results for the cost, not that it's bad now and I do love to fly my Arducopter :).


    I think the answer to your question, "what makes it so stable" is that the combined code and hardware deliver a better result, and with the code for ACM always being updated and new features being added I would hope to see DJI results very soon :)





  • Moderator

    A large reason for it being so stable I think is that the PIDs are tuned realy well and also it seems in the video that it is very calm with no wind at all.  As martin said the frame is one made by the actual company so it is very well tuned.  But still this quad-copter controller looks great, too bad about the price though.

  • Hmm, must be something else that makes it so stable then.

  • 3D Robotics

    Ellison: ArduCopter updates the ESCs at 400hz!

  • Of course, but if they can do it, we should be able to do it.  From reading their description, they're updating ESCs @ 200Hz, this could be a main contributing factor to their superior position hold, rather than GPS errors, which everyone has. 

  • 3D Robotics

    Ellison: AruCopter 2.0.50 is already demonstrating <2m position hold, which is pretty good. We can refine a bit more, but at a certain point you're at the limits of GPS accuracy. We've enabled optical flow if you want even less motion. Given that ArduCopter's electronics cost 15% as much as this one, allows full mission planning and waypoints, scripting, full GCS etc, which this one doesn't, I think we're doing pretty well ;-)

  • Chris, can we get whatever GPS code they're using into Arducopter?  I'd love to get rock solid position hold like that.

  • 3D Robotics

    Wow. $1,430 just for the controller board. 

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