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  • I think you wouldn't need to go based on G's.. I would just go on whenever the craft is at 70+ degree tilt.. which would indicate crash... granted only record those when above 10% thrust.


    Yikes Bill.. seems like you should have burned up all the motors with that crash.

  • I think a crash count would be fun. Every time an accelerometer  clocks over 10g's you get another tick added. I once hit the highest branch on the highest tree around, right after setting hold-alt, and my quad tumbled probably 100 feet through all the limbs, all the way to the ground smashing props and motor mounts and ripped out an arm. I found it in the thicket by hearing the motors screaming at 100% still trying to maintain altitude. I'd left the radio as I trek'd through the underbrush to recover it. (DOH!)

    4 props, three motor mounts, a little super glue and it was ready in an hour. I couldn't believe nothing fried. Had to re-level the APM though, it was waaaaay off. hehe

    Anyways, it would be fun if we had a crash counter. Short of running the quad through the clothes dryer, I can't think of a worse "crash" scenario for wracking up the crash points. lol


  • Isn't the flip of death a bad GPS?   but yeah they should have log data.. and I wish the flight computers in general would keep track of two timers like odometers.. one being time powered up, and the other being time where throttle is above 10%... it would be nice to know how many hours I have flown one of the flight computers... which I could use as a way to know when to swap blades, motors, etc.

  • Pssh!  Yeah, and wait months for them to solve the Flip of Death because they don't log data.

  • Moral of the story - Cut to the chase and buy DJI Wookong.
  • Michael, I'll give you my KK board, then you can crash twice as much! LOL

  • ESD..  Take a balloon... Rub it against your hair... Note the hair following the balloon like it is sticking to it.  That is enough static to kill electronics. 

  • Moderator
    Especially heading into winter, ESD is a big issue people should be more concerned about.
    Often a source of phantom problems which can be hard, if not impossible, to diagnose!
  • See that nice fuzzy towel, a good material for building up a static charge.  It might be ok, might not.

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