I have been working on a hexacopter for aerial videography and photography. The hexacopter is equipped with a ArduPilot Mega with sonar, gps, magnetometer and a camera gimbal. After hours of tuning, I got the Scout Hexa really dialed in.
I really happy with the stability of the Arducopter code. Here is a video demonstrating some of the ArduPilot Mega's capabilities. I am working on eliminating the aircrafts vibration to the camera.
I am interested in your hexacopter. Can you message me with more information? I am looking for a complete copter for AV/AP use minus the electronics.
Hi Steven, I built this hexa frame. I did make room to allow for a FPV system. I can build you this frame, if you are interested send me a message.
Is that the Arducopter frame you are flying? I built a tricopter and want to go with at hexa for AV/AP. My APM should be here any day now, and I am looking for a good frame. Does this have room for FPV gear?
What you have done is my initial experience with the current build also. There is more refinement to do. Vibration reduction is important. Software Filtering a 3D imu is not easy especially if there is not much processor power left to do such.
That's really nice !