UAV mapping systems that surveyors like too

My father, who is a county land surveyor, pointed this article out to me. Looks like a neat system.
"asked our readers to select the one they believed would have the most impact on the surveying and mapping professions.The results are in. Out of a total of 697 votes, the Gatewing X100 Unmanned Airborne Vehicle is the winner with 48 percent of the votes"
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  • As far as protecting the lens, I suppose a "skylight" 1A or 1B screw-on filter (at $10-$15) would do the job, and can easily be replaced when needed. Providing, of course, that the lens is threaded for same.
  • Impressive system. For mapping I think the flying wing types can't really be beaten (consumer level not military).
  • I agree with Dan. I also think that camera is a huge payload for that size plane...there must be a high minimum speed. I would go with a bigger airframe or smaller camera and try to get away from the erector set of a launch system. They also need to protect that lens!
  • wow , ruff landing , and some dirt on the lens at 2:36 , imagine if there’s a small rock , bye bye camera lens .
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