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3D Robotics
Free video streaming by Ustream Tonight (Sunday) we'll do podcast #12, which everyone here is welcome to participate in by listening to the chat live above and commenting and asking questions via the DIY Drones chat function. We'll be starting at 9:00 PM PST and will probably go about 40 minutes. This week we'll by joined by Abe Bachrach of MIT's quadcopter/indoors navigation team, talking about their platform and technology. Here's a video to remind you: As always you can subscribe to the podcast here. Tonight's livecast will be recorded and available as a podcast on Monday.
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Ardupilot 2.5 preview part 2

Ok this post is about crosstrack error. Ardupilot 2.5 has a basic system for adjusting the plane's bearing when it has steered off of its intended path due to wind. Thanks to Doug Weibel for the code.
XTRACK_GAIN = .2if (abs(bearing_error) < 25) {        bearing_error += sin(radians(crosstrack_heading - bearing_error)) * wp_distance * XTRACK_GAIN;}
We set the crosstrack from our starting location as the angle toward the waypoint. As we get blown from side to side, that angle changes. We run that through sine to get a nice ratio and multiply it to get an angle to add to our heading.Depending on the gain and bearing error, we can get wild results, so we need to limit the effect to a range of degrees. In this case 25°. If we go outside of 25° by a lot, we can reset the crosstrack to be from the current location.Here is an example:
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Ardupilot 2.5 preview part 1

Hey all,I thought I would start featuring what's new in 2.5. As you might know it's more than bug fixes. It's an entirely rewritten version that's intended to scale up and be customizable for all sorts of fun things including future projects like Mega. I just finished the loitering code so I thought I'd post that feature first.On a tip from Ryan Beall, I implemented a simple vector field algorithm that holds the orbit around a location by specifying the radius to hold.Here is the code:
if(LOITER){        if (WP_distance < radius){                power = WP_distance / radius;        }else if (WPDistance < (radius * 2)){                power = (radius - WP_distance) / radius;        }        bearing_error += power * -90;}
This says the closer we are to the radius the more we turn 90 to the waypoint. The sign can be changed to adjust the direction of orbit for things like implementing turn prediction. Simple!In Ardupilot 2.5 you will be able to loiter over any location or specific waypoints.That's it.-Jason
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C++ or Java?

I ahve been a passive member of this community a while, but greatly inspired by knowledge and igenuity of the members on this forum. I am gearing up to go for Grad school and do MS in Computer Science hoping to specailize in AI. Its been years since I finished undergrad and that was the last time I worked with programing languages. I am now trying to sharpen my programming skills and get them to speed and am wondering which programming language I should develop proficiency in. Iam thinking of C++ or Java. Anyone knows what the trends are and which programing languages are most common within the AI community?
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3D Robotics
From the latest AUVSI magazine, Unmanned Systems, comes a fascinating article about the early history of UAVs, then target drones. An excerpt (issue is not online): "Radioplane Co. opened up an assembly facility in Van Nuys to begin mass production. With World War II in full gear by 1945, Yank magazine, an Army weekly, was keen on covering women working on production lines for the effort. Army photographer David Conover asked his commanding officer Ronald Reagan (yes that one) for a lead, and he sent him down to his acting buddy Denny's facility. When he got there, he was taken with a young woman spraying plane parts with fire retardant and inspecting parachutes. Her name was Norma Jean Dougherty. While her husband was in the Merchant Marines, she worked 10-hour days for the Radioplane Munitions Factory." After photographing Norma Jean (above), Conover advised her to apply for a job at the Blue Book Modelling Agency. They were looking for girls with lighter hair, so she bleached hers, joined the agency and eventually changed her name to Marilyn Monroe. And the rest is history....
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Final Beta of the Ardupilot 2.5 Airframe Test

I finally had some quality time with the Ardupilot Airframe Tester in the air and would like to report, after a few bug fixes and tweaking, I finally have a nice solution.Why this matters and why you should fly it:- It will help you set up your plane properly and give you vital debugging information.- It will help you adjust your stabilization gains- It is a very nice flight stabilizer- It will let you test your Autopilot setup (more on this below)You can read this post to learn about the debugging aspects.What I really wanted to explain is the new Fly-By-Wire mode. It essentially lets you input the relative waypoint location in space, and the plane will try to go there. Now, other than being fun, it is really helpful for debugging and adjusting your gain settings.The new FBW input is proportional and controlled with your radio:Hard right = waypoint is 35° to the right; centered = waypoint is dead ahead; left = -35°Hard up means the waypoint is below you (hey, you can reverse that if you want.) Centered means the waypoint is at the same altitude.While in FBW, the airspeed controller will try and maintain a constant airspeed.Here is the last beta. After this the tester will be final and appear in the download section.Ardupilot_25_Airframe_test_beta4.zipA note about radios - In the header file you can specify radios. Futaba Faast radios can be scanned at 50hz and others at only 25hz. This has to do with how they setup the signals. So there is an option in the header file to use Fubata or other radios. Default is "other." (Spectrum's won't work with the Futaba setting. You need to specify 'other')The events.pde file contains the code for managing your radio's 3 position switch. Instructions are in there as well.The full version of 2.5 should be right around the corner.Jason
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3D Robotics

Commercial antenna tracker unit ($90)

Here's a good looking ground antenna tracking unit with pan and tilt servos for $90. From the product description: "Antenna pan/tilt assembly kit designed to work with the ImmersionRC EZ Antenna Tracker. Designed to hold patch antennas, with direct mounting points for L-Com 8dBi, 14dBi, and diversity Patch antennas. May work with other antennas as well. Includes two HS-485HB Servos, Gears and rotation hardware, 1/4-20 tripod mount, hook-and-loop and double sided tape for holding Duo2400 and EZ Antenna Tracker, standard 1/2" 1/4-20 and 10-24 bolts for antenna mounting." Although it's designed to work with a custom electronics unit, which in turn works with EzOSD, it looks like it would work as well with ArduStation. Here's a video of it in action. Check it out--it's really cool:

Antenna Pan Tilt Test Flight from Mr.Pibb on Vimeo.

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Well the day has come, my Shield V2 arrived, and I have all the parts necessary to start building my UAV control system. This is just a documentation if you will, of my progress, hope, dreams...etc. I've been reading this site on & off for a year or two, and am now finally getting started. Within you will see my trials and tribulations, do's and don'ts( mostly don'ts so far lol) and who knows, I might be of some help with the newbies like myself. =] If you need some help like I did when you want to get started, try this link, it's what I did... =]My Ardupilot:PhotobucketI thought I would use the Swiss Machine Pin Headers after reading on Sparkfuns website that they hold really well, which is what I wanted. Also the FTDI cable works as well(my own realization).PhotobucketDO NOT USE THESE! They hold a little too well...PhotobucketYou can see in the pic above that they tend to bend when trying to pull off the shield from the ArduPilot, they can't bend a whole lot, or they break.PhotobucketSo I need to find my damn desoldering tool, and desolder ALL the machine pins off, and put in the regular headers that came with the shield. This doesn't shine a bad light on sparkfun and their products, they work really well, just not for this purpose... lolLast but not least, here's my ArduIMU V2:



My plan is to use Doug's Ardu-IMU-Pilot code, and do some testing with it.That's it for now, until I do some desoldering, and resoldering. lolPeace out...
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So got up to this. Since the reference design has a header which doesn't allow USB & programming simultaneously we now have a header. Unfortunately still no USB even at slow speed. It detects the reset but never gets a transaction.Even in circuit programming is super slow. Maybe that's related to the USB problem. This is the cleanest board we ever made but the programming speed only goes to 9375Hz. Tried disabling the radio, using a bigger capacitor for Vbus, low speed, full speed, direct soldering instead of a header, swapping chips, 5V Vdd, battery & Vbus.The programmer sends 5V through 1k resistors. The USB pins pull it down to 3.3 without burning out. Also tried 2.5V programming levels.

After banging on the 18F14K50 for a week, it was time to put it down & build a conventional 18F2450 ground station with the 18F14K50 as a radio breakout board.A radio & ground station on 1 board isn't very practical. To move the antenna, you need to move the main board & all its connections. Since the MRF49XA requires very fast SPI, that means a 2nd microprocessor on its own board & software to make it look like an XBee.Also, general purpose ground stations which can switch between 900Mhz & 2.4Ghz are more useful if we ever want to fly a pair of 2.4Ghz.For today's video, shot a fully autonomous tree sequence at 1m/s. Still had to input a lot of heading corrections. Didn't have enough battery power to finish the sequence. Unfortunately it appears L1 GPS isn't accurate enough to get very smooth camera motion even at slow speed.You're still stuck with attitude hold & manual flight. There may be an algorithm somewhere which can get smooth motion out of L1 GPS by allowing sloppy position hold but it's not as simple as reducing PID gains. VicaCopter is prone to oscillation if the PID gains aren't high enough.Fortunately the angle of attack at 1m/s was much less. Note velocity oscillation as the computer hunts for 1m/s.
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3D Robotics

Helen Greiner, the co-founder of iRobot who left last year to start her own company, has announced their first project: a bridge-inspecting UAV, for which it has won a $2.4 million grant. She announced that the company is also changing its name from the DroidWorks (as Motorola discovered, George Lucas owns the rights to the word Droid and charges a lot for it), to CyPhy Works (almost as bad as the SciFi channel renaming itself to the SyFy Channel). According to press reports, the company is "working on a new inspection system based on small, unmanned, hovering robots fitted with video cameras and other sensors, officials said. The planned hovering UAV would slowly move around bridges and similar structures and send back to engineers close-up, high-fidelity images and other data for remote inspection." The idea of using UAVs for bridge inspection has been considered before by several French teams, such as this group from CNRS and our own Jean-Louis Naudin (picture above taken from his page on this project)
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3D Robotics

New quadcopter from Australian firm

From Wired's Danger Room blog: "Last month, an Australian company, Cyber Technology (WA) Pty Ltd, used a drone with ducted fans in an actual operation. Their Cyber Quad vertical take-off drone carried out an extended survey of an offshore drilling platform and an oil rig damaged by fire. The drone flew around, under and inside the two structures, which are joined by a gantry, as well as landing on them for a better look. “The ability to land the CyberQuad on the various levels of the platform where the main damage occurred gave engineers and disaster control experts the ability to see the extent of the structural damage visually,” Andrea James, head of Communications at Cyber Technology told Danger Room. The Cyber Quad can carry a high-definition video camera or sensors to detect specific gases, like industrial pollutants or chemical warfare agents. The brushless electric motor is quiet and does not produce sparks – important when investigating a damaged oil platform. Top speed is around 40 mph with a mission time of 35 minutes. But this can be extended to some hours, because the drone is able to “perch” on various landing points, and look around from there. “The UAV pilot was able to land and move about on different levels, aiming the camera to get unique and vital viewpoints of the rig structures. This was not achievable using high definition devices from manned helicopters or boats,” said James." Here's the very nice (albeit big) carrying case:

No price given. Presumably it's the "if you have to ask, you can't afford it" category. Video:
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Insurgents Hack U.S. Drones

Senior defense and intelligence officials said Iranian-backed insurgents intercepted the video feeds by taking advantage of an unprotected communications link in some of the remotely flown planes' systems. Shiite fighters in Iraq used software programs such as SkyGrabber -- available for as little as $25.95 on the Internet -- to regularly capture drone video feeds, according to a person familiar with reports on the matter.
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ArduIMU Firmware for NMEA with I2C compass heading

For those NMEA GPS users out there who don't want to be left out of the wonderful product that is ArduIMU, I've modified/combined the NMEA parsing routine in ArudPilot 2.3.1 with the latest ArduIMU firmware from Doug Weibel - ArduIMUV2 DCM V10. Additionally, I'm using the $50 I2C compass from Sparkfun (HMC6352) and have added a routine to pull this data from the compass and include it in the text output as "HDG." I've also added "SAT" for satellites and "HOP" for HDOP in the text output.Download Here: disable the compass code, simply change PRINT_COMPASS 1 to PRINT_COMPASS 0Please also note that 3 Hz is about the fastest you should set your GPS when going throught the ArduIMU. Any faster and the serial port won't be able to keep up (this statement assumes 38,400 baud and only getting GPGGA and GPRMC from the GPS).You'll need to copy the TwoWire.h and TwoWire.cpp files included in the zip to the arduino-0017\hardware\libraries\Wire folder if you're planning on using the Compass routine.
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3D Robotics

"Drone pilot burnout"

This year's New York Times Magazine Year in Ideas reminded me of a good one from last year's edition: "Drone Pilot Burnout", described as follows: "On its face, it seems like the less stressful assignment. Instead of being deployed to Afghanistan or Iraq, some pilots and other crew members of the U.S. military’s unmanned Predator drones live at home in suburban Las Vegas and commute to a nearby Air Force base to serve for part of the day. They don’t perform takeoffs and landings, which are handled overseas. But the Predator crews at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada “are at least as fatigued as crews deployed to Iraq,” if not more so, according to a series of reports by Air Force Lt. Col. Anthony P. Tvaryanas. When Tvaryanas and colleagues surveyed crews who “teleoperate” drones in war zones a few years ago, they found an alarming result: crew members had “significantly increased fatigue, emotional exhaustion and burnout” compared with the crew of a craft that does have a pilot on board, the Awacs surveillance plane. In response, the Air Force implemented a new shift system, in which the number of days off in a row was increased. This year, in March, Tvaryanas released a fresh survey but the results were no better. There was “a pervasive problem with chronic fatigue,” Tvaryyanas writes, which “can be expected to adversely impact job performance and safety.” The survey also showed that Predator crews were suffering through “impaired domestic relationships.” Why is this? Part of the problem lies in what Tvaryanas calls the “sensory isolation” of pilots in Nevada flying drones 7,500 miles away. Although there are cameras mounted on the planes, remote pilots do not receive the kind of cues from their sense of touch and place that pilots who are actually in their planes get automatically. That makes flying drones physically confusing and mentally exhausting. Perhaps this helps explain the results of another study Tvaryanas published with a colleague in May, which examined 95 Predator “mishaps and safety incidents” reported to the Air Force over an eight-year period. Fifty-seven percent of crew-member-related mishaps were, they write, “consistent with situation awareness errors associated with perception of the environment” — meaning that it’s hard to grasp your environment when you’re not actually in it."
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