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3D Robotics
From the Danger Room blog:

In the Spring of 2006, the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department began flying small spy drones to track suspects. Weeks later, the drone was grounded by the Federal Aviation Administration. Top cops are still pissed:


The chairman of the aviation committee for the International Association of Chiefs of Police... Donald Shinnamon... charges that the FAA is applying its rules inconsistently and defying federal laws about government-operated aircraft.

"There is an immediate need by state and local public safety personnel for unmanned aerial systems," he said at an unmanned systems confab here this week. But by his interpretation, the FAA's rules mean "it's OK to fly a model aircraft but not OK to fly an aircraft in search of a murder suspect" without its permission...

Local officials aren't necessarily looking for unfettered UAV [unmanned aerial vehicle]-driving rights, Shinnamon said. Ideally, the FAA will be able to work with state and local government officials to come up with UAV-specific regulations, which address things like how high the drones can fly, how far they can travel from their operator, and whether they need to be in the driver's line of sight.

"Once we overcome this regulatory issue, I honestly think the use of this technology will explode at the local government level because it offers just so many benefits to us and the ability to serve our citizens," Shinnamon said.

[L.A. Sherrif's Department Sid] Heal, whose office tested a drone last year but has not yet secured formal permission to use it, said he doesn't "detect any sense of urgency" on the FAA's part to make its regulations simpler for local officials to follow.

"We're going to do this; this is coming," he said. "And (the FAA) can jump on this train or they can run along behind it, but it is going to leave without them."

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3D Robotics

Want to be on a TV show about amateur UAVs?

This October Wired's going to be starting a prime-time show on PBS called Wired Science, which will have a national audience of about 6 million people per night. One of the episodes is going to be on non-military UAVs, with a focus on the parallel evolutions of the pros and the amateurs.

We want to film a number of amateurs (including me) flying their UAVs in the San Francisco Bay Area sometime over the next two weeks. If you're in the area and would like to participate in a UAV fly-in for TV broadcast please respond here or contact me directly at
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3D Robotics

New site: OpenUAV

I just got pointed to a new open-source UAV site/community called Open UAV. It sells a low-cost ($365) autopilot board and has a library of academic papers on UAV research. If you register, you can also download open source firmware, circuit board diagrams etc.

It's run by Astroplanes, a comapany in New Zealand. Does anybody know anything about them or that autopilot? Is it related to Hugo Vincent and John Stowers, the two universtity students who were planning the cross-Tasmin flight?
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Hey folks, I'm new to Ning so I'm just going to guess / pray that this ends up on the homepage of DIY Drones. Anyway, in my non-copious spare time at work, I'm assembling a little story on the whole Minimal UAV phenomenon. (I'm an editor for the online incarnation of Scientific American -- )Anyone here care to volunteer to relate your experiences on building, flying and/or blue-skying the possibilities for these planes? If so, please drop me a line -- I can be reached at cmims@ the same domain as our website.Cheers,Christopher
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3D Robotics
We had good weather on Sat, so we tested four UAV platforms at the Alameda air field near Berkeley. Another successful trial: useful data and no lost planes!

Our mission for the next two weeks is to complete a trial that: A) takes off from the "highway" used in the Matrix 2 (the set was created at the Alameda and parts still remain); B) flies autonomously over water to the Hornet aircraft carrier, which is moored about a mile away (it's the carrier that recovered Apollo 11 and 12 in the Pacific, and was used in the filming of "Apollo 13"!); C) Return safely and put the video on YouTube. Think that will get some views? ;-)
  • Lego Autopilot: Tested FMA co-pilot sensor in new position on top of wing (worked much better), compass sensor in new position behind wing, away from the magnetic interference of the brushless motor. The test ended when autopilot stopped responding. Found two problem: the Lego motor had become dislodged from its mount (it's now screwed in to avoid this) and the software wasn't responding to "autopilot off" commands, for reasons that are neither clear nor repeatable. Given that we're porting all the code to Lua, we won't debug this. Also, the directional patch antenna that we're using on the ground for the video downlink just isn't doing the job, for reasons we don't understand. We'll go back to the stub antenna for now (at least nobody has to point it) while we diagnose the problem.
  • PicoPilot UAV: This was just the first flight test of this autopilot, just checking the gyro-based stabalization. It seems to work great. Also tested the cute and light FlyCamOne micro video camera with a 2GB SD card. It worked great until an aborted takeoff, which dislodged it and mis-oriented it from the mirror that lets it look forward. So the black line obscuring the top of the video isn't its fault!
  • Cellphone UAV: This was just a stabilization test of the FMA co-pilot with the sensor in the under-body position. It didn't work as well as the Lego UAV's wing-mounted position, so we'll move it above the wing in this UAV, too.
  • Predator UAV: First airframe test, under manual R/C command. Flew okay, but needed a lot of down elevator and otherwise felt sluggish. Later diagnosed as a thrust angle problem, due to motor bulkhead being tilted up. Have now reseated bulkhead to fix. Also had a pretty gnarly landing due to a tip-stall at low speed. Will land under power from now on; this plane doesn't like to go too slow.

The video above shows most of the high spots.
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3D Robotics
The tragic death of four people in a collision of two news helicopers in Phoenix has prompted much discussion about whether following stolen cars and other TV-ratings fodder is worth the risk. What isn't debated is whether people want to watch that sort of thing, because the answer is so clearly yes. So why not give people what they want without risking human lives, and encourage TV news stations to use UAVs for traffic, crime and breaking news coverage instead? Seriously.
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3D Robotics
We've already done Lego, an iPaq cellphone and some random chips we had lying around. What other commonly found objects could you make an autopilot, or some component of one, out of?
  • Wiimotes (shown) have a three-axis accelerometer and an infrared sensor.
  • An iPhone has an accelerometer and a light sensor
  • My laptop has tilt sensors (to take the hard drive read/write head off the platter when the laptop moves)

I only wish GPS chips were more ubiquitous...

What's lying around your house that you could turn into part of an autopilot?

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3D Robotics

It's been amazing to watch how computer technologies have revolutionized the R/C aircraft world. The combination of high-efficiency brushless electric motors (first developed for DVD drives), lithium-ion batteries (developed for laptops) and spread-spectrum digital radio (popularized with WiFi) have created a class of small, quiet electric planes that are every bit their old noisy gas-powered predecessors. AMA membership is down even as R/C flying is booming because you don't need to go to a AMA certified field or join a AMA club to fly anymore. Today's planes are quiet and safe enough to fly in most parks.

More and more military UAVs are using this same technology, most notably the Raven, which is the most common UAV found in Afghanistan. (it uses a brushless electric and LiPo combination similar to that you can buy from any hobby store.)

Now, inevitably, the same revolution is coming to full-size planes. At Oshkosh, Sonex unveiled a prototype electric one-seater. From a Green Car Congress post:

"Since 1994 and Flash Flight’s feasibility study, the popularity of radio-controlled (RC) electric powered toy vehicles, gas-electric hybrid cars, and the boom in wireless electronic devices such as cell phones and PDA’s have pushed the state-of-the-art in battery, electric motor and controller technology.

Brushless DC cobalt motors are now lighter and more efficient. Advances in microprocessors have allowed motor controllers to be smaller, lighter and more efficient. Lithium Ion and Lithium Polymer battery technology has pushed the endurance, efficiency and power output of electronic devices, while shrinking in physical size and weight. The Sonex R&D team concluded that the time for this endeavor had arrived.

E-Flight’s proof-of-concept prototype will use the flight-proven Waiex airframe, flown single-pilot only, so that the emphasis can be placed solely on powerplant research and development. Initial top speeds will reach approximately 130 mph, and endurance is expected to range between 25-45 minutes or longer, depending upon power usage on each individual flight."

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3D Robotics

Google investing in aerial photography

This is significant.

(BTW, I'll be speaking and demoing our UAVs at Google on Aug 4th during the SciFoo event. There's a reason we call our UAVs "GeoCrawlers")


Google has acquired ImageAmerica, a company that builds high-resolution cameras and uses them to take aerial photographs.

The search engine giant announced the move Friday on its LatLong blog about Google Earth and its other mapping efforts. It didn't disclose terms of the deal.

"We're excited about how ImageAmerica's technology will contribute to our mapping services down the road," Product Manager Stephen Chau said on the blog. "Since we're in the research and development phase right now it may be some time before you see any of this imagery in Google Maps or Earth."

ImageAmerica supplied Google Earth with high-resolution aerial photos of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005.

According to older pages from the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine, Clayton, Mo.-based ImageAmerica specialized in creating aerial photos with "accuracy, quick delivery and low cost," selling primarily to city, county, state and federal governments and to corporate customers. In addition to developing its DDP-2 (Direct Digital Panoramic) camera system, the company has its own aircraft to house it. The high-resolution camera can capture details as small as 6 to 12 inches, and the company's processing system can produce orthorectified imagery that's been corrected for perspective distortions.

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Wow thats a small GPS!

I decided for the sake of weight, I'd replace my Garmin Etrex Vista GPS on my plane (strapped piggback) with a dedicated chip version So I ordered one from Mouser seems to have everything I ever need inabout 10 versions so its always a little daunting for me. This time I picked up a $28 GPS on a chip. If anyone cares its spec sheet is at

Long story short -- read the specs first cause I forgot to get an antenna. Duh.

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3D Robotics

Here at DIY Drones, I've been working with other amateurs to create open technology platforms to make it easier for more people to build their own UAVs (for aerial imagery, high-res Google Maps mashups, contests and other flying robot fun).

The good news is that there are a lot of programmers out there happy to donate their time and talent to helping these project along. The bad news is that each of them has their own favorite programming language, and it's up to the organizer (ie, me) to somehow weave them all together into something useful for newcomers. Which means that the job of crowdsourcing software development requires the organizer to become a Rosetta Stone of software styles, which is tough if you're not a hard core programmer yourself. And I very much am not.

Let me give you an example: Our UAVs are using software written by at least 10 programmers, each of whom has contributed something valuable. The problem is that the various elements are all in different languages: NXT-G, Lua, Visual Basic, Python, Stamp Basic, LabView, C, and Parallax's Spin (for the Propeller chip).

It's not surprising that volunteers want to use their own favorite programming languages, and because they're volunteers I'm in no position to tell them what language to use. If this were just an open source software project, I imagine we'd just be pulling from within a community of people using one language. But because our UAV projects cross so many disciplines--software engineering, hardware engineering, robotics, R/C planes, GPS hacking, aerial photography and Lego, to name just a few--it's a programming language Tower of Babel.

Right now I'm porting the NXT-G autopilot to Lua, so I can integrate it with the Blutooth GPS code. This is after having already ported it to LabView to get access to floating point math. I'd like to combine our Widows Mobile cellphone autopilot with the cool GPS-tagging and image-sending of the Pict'Earth team, but they're using Python on a Symbian-based Nokia N95 and our Windows Mobile code is Meanwhile, I'm going to port our Stamp Basic autopilot to Spin, so we can use the more powerful Propeller chip, but to include gyros or accelerometers, I'll have to also port the open source inertial guidance software, which is written in C, to Spin.

And did I mention that I'm not a real programmer and the last language I was really comfortable in was Pascal, back in the 80s?

So that's the problem with herding an army of technology volunteers. Someone has to serve as the universal translator so that everyone's contribution works together. And that someone has to be a technology polymath, sufficiently fluent in all languages and dialects to be able to do that well. How many such people exist? Not enough.

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3D Robotics

Testing three pan-tilt gimbals

In my quest for the perfect pan-tilt gimbal assembly for a small UAV, I've made one out of Lego and have some clumsy ones out of aluminum. Most commercial pan-tilt assemblies are made for much larger cameras than the ones we fly, or they're incredibly expensive turrets meant for military and commercial UAVs. But I've hunted around and found three that appear to be within our size, weight and price range. How do they stack up?

The three are (from left to right):

First, some general notes about all three. The most important thing is something you can see from the picture. The first two are designed for standard size servos, which are a bit big for our UAVs. Only the Pandora gimbal is designed for mini and micro servos. It's also the only one specifically designed for the Panasonic KX-131 video camera (shown) that is commonly used in R/C aerial videography, and is the core of the RangeVideo system we use. I haven't shown the other two with the KX-131 mounted (it's a pretty simple matter of drilling some holes or using double sided foam tape), but you can see that it would make them much taller than the Pandora system (they'll stick out almost twice as far).

The other two are intended for hobby robotics, where weight and size is not as big an issue as it is on planes. Indeed, the Budget Robotics assembly isn't meant for cameras at all (it's intended for infrared sensors), although it works fine for them.

Another thing to keep in mind is that most of the stress in supporting a camera assembly is felt by the lower "pan" servo, so they tend to be bigger than the "tilt" servos (except in the case of the Lynxmotion one, where both are pretty beefy)

Here are the basic stats.

Weight (with KX-131)_____Max tilt degrees (all have 90 deg pan)

  • Lynx ___________130 grams____________90
  • Budget Robotics _120 grams____________90
  • Pandora ________70 grams ____________60

Most of the difference in weight is in the size of the servos. The other main difference is that the Pandora's actuator arm, which allows it to have such a low profile, also limits the tilt range to just 60 degrees unless you overdrive your servos with some transmitter programming. That's a trade-off that may be worth making, but it's important to know all the same.

Here's a video of them all in action:

For my money the Pandora is the way to go. It's much smaller and lighter than the other two, and I can live with the reduced range. It's more complicated to assemble (although I cheated and used superglue to accelerate the process), but worth it in the end with better flexibility and installation options.

I'm still planning to make an aluminum clone of the Lynx gimbal but for mini/micro servos, and we'll see how that goes. The Lynx gimbal is a really nicely machined aluminum kit, and for something heavier than the KX 131, it's the best way to go. The only one that didn't stand up well is the Budget Robotics kit, which to be fair isn't designed for cameras at all. Its sensor/camera platform isn't supported on both sides like the Lynx's is, and I'm worried that this will lead to shaking in the air due to motor vibrations.

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FAA regulations

I just read washington Posts comments on UAVs and recently the intern ruling by the FAA ( ) It seems we hobbyist have it somewhat easy, all we need to do is fly below 400 feet, have a spotter, and basically be safe. Yet how strange is it that as soon as we move to the commercial/professional world we need to get a waiver from the FAA? I've seen the applications to get one but how hard are they to come by? I would suspect that even if you or I see a need in our professional careers it would take a small miracle to get the same planes we fly as a hobby approved for professional use.

Additionally most corporations and professional entities would not take too kindly to one of their lower echelon employees go out and try to get a waiver to fill a void he/she sees. I can think of several professional organizations, including law enforcement, first responders, search and rescue, parks and wildlife, conservation, etc that could use this technology to gather real time intelligence of what is happening in their backyards.

So the state sponsored search and rescue team has to try to determine where the lost hiker is by looking for sign and trying to follow it out. If they don't have air support they may be looking for a while and still never find the hiker till it is too late. They can request the state to get them air support, and perhaps the state will relent but then they need to wait for a waiver from the FAA and unfortunately it seems many large organizations like to do things on a large scale. So they tell the search and rescue team to wait for the budget to come through so they can by a $9 million predator or what not.

So I wonder with these obstacles how can we as a hobbyist community move this technology forward to where it contributes to the greater good when we are stymied as soon as we try to cross over to the professional world?

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My FPV plane turns UAV

Hi All,

I'm working on a UAV (have been for a few months on and off) that willbring my plane back home. You see I fly a foam plane (an EasyGlider)that I have modified with an electric motor atop and a video camera anddownlink so I can see what the plane sees and fly "First Person".

I had a rather "adrenaline inducing" experience when my video downlinkwas lost (my fault - I flew behind my receive antennas coverage). Well,I also realized that I had flown behind some trees and was just out ofdirect sight *. Short version is that I trimmed for gliding, cut powerand listened.

Electric are very quite, but I rigged up a portable video receiver anddirectional antennae and walked the few hundred meters to thediscovered plan in the trees. Embarrassed, yes - discourage, no! Sothat's my story getting into the UAV world. The FPV world was afterwatching VRFlyer on Youtube.

So Come-Home is my first application and I will post my code once it is fully working for anyone's open source use.

I use the propeller chip which appears quite capable.


* For those worried about the safety, using spotters, flying with abuddy, etc, though I am not an AMA member, I am a very safe engineerwho understands what safe means. No people or property was in range ofmy vehicle. I am safe and practical.
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3D Robotics

Pict'Earth invents the french fry UAV!

Last week I had a great chat with the guys running the US operations of Pict'Earth. The company was originally started by a team in France who created their own UAV and real-time Google Earth integration. To get a sense of how cool that is, check out this video:

That was based on a custom UAV that cost around $10,000. The US team is targeting cheaper applications. First, the put a Nokia N95 cameraphone (it's got the best camera and optics of any smart phone available) in an EasyStar foam R/C powered glider. After losing one in the Pacific (ouch), they've managed to get some great real-time images, which you can check out on their site here. It's a little like our own GeoCrawler 3, but their smartphone is just a camera and transmission system (although a better one than the iPaq 6515 I use, albeit at four times the price), not an autopilot. So it's not a real UAV yet.

But they're just starting (UAVs are coming) and it's been fascinating watching their progress. This weekend they flew an iPhone and got it to work remotely. How? Well, it wasn't easy. There's no good way to trigger the shutter of the phone's camera remotely, and it doesn't even have a mechanical shutter button that you can push with a servo. It's touchscreen is optimised for human fingers.

How do you get a servo to simulate a human finger's touch? It turns out that it has something to do with the salt on the skin, something they simulated by using a french fry! Now, french frys are a little too floppy to be part of a aircraft control system, so read their blog post to find out how they found a solution that worked.
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3D Robotics

Building a real Predator UAV


Here's a semi-scale Predator. Pretty cool, but it's an ARF so I can't do too much bragging. I just modded an inexpensive ($80) Nitro Models kit with a AXI 2208 brushless motor and added some proper landing gear and an airscoop to cool the motor in the back. (BTW, Nitro sells two Predators. Get this one, not the similar camo version with a slightly smaller wingspan. That one's wings don't come off! I have no idea how you're supposed to transport it, short of a van).

But there's more to this Predator than meets the eye. It's not just a model of an Autonomous Aerial Vehicle--it is a UAV! How can you tell? Look closer.


This is a Pentax W30 camera, which is one of the smallest cameras to have a proper programmable time-lapse photography setting. Why would I want to strap a camera with a time-lapse function to the bottom of a R/C plane? Because it's not just a R/C plane!


Here's what's under the canopy, or at least the first layer of it. It shows the installation of a UNAV Picopilot GPS-guided autopilot. This makes the Predator totally autonomous. You can enter up to 20 GPS waypoints, and the Predator will fly to them and then return home afterwards. That, in turn, explains the time-lapse camera. It snaps a 7 megapixel picture every ten seconds while the UAV is following its programmed course. Which means that you can stitch those pictures together and create a super high-quality aerial view of any area you choose. They're WAY better than Google Maps resolution, and you can update the aerial views anytime you want to.

But how can you take off and land the Predator? The Picopilot can't do that. Fortunately, there's another layer in the Predator's electronics bay.

IMG_4203 Underneath the autopilot floor, there's space for all the standard R/C stuff: A Futaba 2.4 GHz receiver, a 1,500 mAh Li-Po battery and an electronic speed control. When the transmitter's gear switch is down, this lower layer controls the plane manually. When you switch the gear lever up, it transfers control to the Picopilot and the Predator goes into autonomous mode. Just like the real thing!

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3D Robotics

UAV use surging in Iraq, led by micros

From Army Times:

WASHINGTON — The use of unmanned aircraft in Iraq has surged by nearly one-third since the buildup of U.S. forces began early this year, and drones are now racking up more than 14,000 hours a month in the battlefield skies.

The increase in unmanned aircraft — from high-altitude Global Hawks to short-range reconnaissance Ravens [shown] that soldiers fling into the air — has fueled a struggle among the military services over who will control their use and the more than $12 billion that will be spent on the programs over the next five years.

The Air Force wants to take over development and purchasing of unmanned aerial vehicles, arguing that it would save money and improve technology and communications.

It also wants more centralized command of the drones, saying better coordination could eliminate airspace conflicts that can endanger U.S. troops.

The other military services see a power grab, and they’re fighting it.

A little more than a year ago, about 700 unmanned aircraft were operating in Iraq. By last December, according to Army data, that number had grown to about 950, and it’s soon expected to hit 1,250.

At least 500 are the smaller Ravens that are used by the Army. The rest include Hunters and Shadows — the Army’s medium-altitude aircraft that can carry weapons — as well as the Air Force Predators, which are also armed. Larger Global Hawks are used for high-tech surveillance

Continue reading here.

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3D Robotics

Progress on the Basic Stamp autopilot

There's nothing like a big project for a crash course in a new technology. After choosing the Basic Stamp platform for the embedded processor version of the autopilot, I've now learned the hard way about the complexities and limitations of embedded processors. They're not insurmountable, but they're important to know, since that knowledge will help me choose the right embedded processor platform for a more advanced autopilot at some point in the future.

First, why use an embedded processor in the first place? The answer is total systems integration. The only way to properly connect a R/C receiver, servos, GPS and a stand-alone navigation processor so you have full control over the whole melange of devices is to integrate them at the hardware level. That means speaking the language that R/C receivers use to drive servos, which is pulse width modulation signals. The receivers send the servos a square wave, and the "width" (time length) of that square pulse determines how far the servo moves.

The way a UAV autopilot works (at least in our definition) is that there is always a choice between manual (human pilot) control and autonomous control. We take off and land the UAVs manually, and switch them into autonomous mode for the self-guided portion of their mission, either to test their robotic functionality in a closed course within visual range, so we can take over manual operation is something isn't working right, or eventually to go to and return from waypoints beyond visual range when all is working properly.

For a computer to take over control of some of those servos when it's acting as an autopilot, it needs the ability to intercept and pass through the regular R/C commands during manual mode, and then create and send out its own command in autonomous mode. That means the ability to read and generate square waves and that, in turn, means the ability to read voltages on specific pins of the chip.

This ability to have full pin-level control of the chip, along with internal processing routines that can make sense of square waves, is what makes embedded processors so well suited for driving hardware such as servos and sensors. But the trade-off is that you are forced to deal with a lot of primitive computing issues that are usually abstracted away behind the operating system in a more advanced processor such as those used in PCs. One such example in the Basic Stamp series is that you can't work with real numbers with digits to the right of the decimal. Instead, everything is limited to integer arithmetic (3/2 = 1, not 1.5), which means tiresome conversions and approximations when you're trying to do any sort of proper math.

Another limitation of embedded processors is that they're typically limited to onboard memory, which is usually just a few kilobytes of program memory in non-volatile EPROM storage, and a few dozen bytes of volatile RAM for real-time variable storage. This is going to require some real discipline and means that the first version, at least, won't be using accelerometers. Instead, I'll once again use an external stabilization system and just use the Basic Stamp for GPS-guided navigation.

So to end this post, here's the current state of play: The Basic Stamp will have two programs loaded. The first one, based on this code, just passes through R/C receiver commands when the plane is under manual control. When it detects that the landing gear switch has been thrown, which is the sign that the pilot has switched on autopilot mode, it switches command to the second program (based on this code), which reads GPS coordinates from the GPS module (shown) and sends commands to the rudder servo to steer to the next pre-loaded waypoint. When it detects that the landing gear switch returns to its off position, it switches command back to the first program and manual control. Sounds simple, but this will take a few more weeks to perfect. Stay tuned....

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3D Robotics

Lego GPS code working!

Great news on the Lego UAV front. Ralph Hempel, who has been helping me on adding GPS waypoints and navigation to my Mindstorms Autopilot, has cracked the tricky bluetooth integration code problem. Just the review the challenge, it appeared that the easiest way to connect the Mindstorms NXT CPU with a GPS receiver is via its bluetooth interface. But the native NXT bluetooth stack and API is very limited, and we couldn't find a good way to do it in the native NXT-G language.

Ralph cracked the problem by using pbLua, a more powerful language that has been ported to the NXT. He's got a great post to show how it works here. He's also included a GPS parser, so the only remaining challenge is the port the rest of the autopilot code to pbLua and write the navigation routines that turn the GPS location information and directional vectors into rudder commands to reach the next waypoint. That will probably take another month or so, during which we'll continue to fine-tune the basic platform stability using the current compass-based autopilot that's already working.

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