Discussion group for ArduCopter users
Drone flying to non visible point
Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…
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Hey Reto,
Thanks for the response... I was confused (been known to happen on occasion), but I'm not using my AR7100, but I am using my Spektrum AR7000.
Still having the same issue, no response in the Tx / Rx Calibration page in the Mission Planner.
I have moved this discussion to the discussion boards, and can be found HERE
Hi Thomas,
The process to build a hex is almost identical to the quad (just add 2 more legs), so it should be quite straight forward. However, the recommendation to start your own discussion is a good one and then we can answer your specific questions.
Hi Thomas.
Here's the info about the ports you should use for your gimbal and how to configure it in the Mission Planner.
Perhaps it would be better if you started a new discussion within this forum specific to your issue. It'll be more organized, searcheable and easier to answer your questions.
Best regards.
António Cabral
@Xomby: manual of your Rx p. 6 states following. Could it be the cause of your problem?
"Because of the built-in regulator the AR7100/AR7100R has a minimum recommended operational battery voltage of 5.5 volts and is designed to use 6-volt 5-cell NiMH, 7.2-volts 6-cell NiMH or 7.4-volt 2-cell LiPo batteries. (Higher voltage should be used only if the servos are compatible.) While the AR7100 will continue to operate down to 3.5 volts, the AR7100/ AR7100R features a built-in 5.2-volt regulator for the Rudder, Aux 2, Gear 2, Throttle 2 channels output. A 4-cell 4.8-volt battery will not provide sufficient headroom (voltage margin) to maintain a 5.2 regulated voltage. Regulated outputs are provided to allow the gyro, gyro gain and throttle to be operated at the necessary lower voltage while the cyclic servos (aileron, elevator and pitch) are powered directly by the pack voltage (typically 5-cell 6-volt NiMH or if high voltage compatible servos are used 2-cell 7.4-volt LiPo batteries)."
Xonby: Use the Power Module with your LiPo. It's the best way to power the board.
Hey Chris,
Yes, I see I confused things a bit. I was just TRYING to do the setup calibration with my Rx battery connected, because it was not working with only USB connected. I do not plan to have an Rx battery once this thing is flying. I think I read some post that said possibly the receiver may not have enough consistent power through the Arducopter only.
I'm at the very initial stages of configuration and have not yet connected my LiPo's or anything. I did get the Power Module with my kit and will be using that.
So, should I try this initial calibration using my LiPo battery?
Hope this helps,
Xomby: I'm a little confused by your power setup. What do mean by "Rx battery"? Typically copters don't have that. Also, are you using the APM Power Module? If not the little JP1 jumper that came with APM should be on.
Hey Chris and Group,
I am having a similar problem as Thomas Mc Grory. The only difference is I got the Hexa-B kit, have assembled everything according to the manual. I am at the "setup" step where I am to calibrate my tx/rx channels.
I have a JR 9303 2.4 radio system and am using a Spektrum 7100 receiver (JR and Spektrum are interchangeable as most know).
When my receiver is connected to the Arducopter, it just doesn't react at all. I have tried when only connected to the USB power from the computer. I have also tried with my Rx battery connected directly to my receiver (power from the Arducopter is also connected).
The receiver light will not come on when connected with EITHER power scenario.
I saw a guy on YouTube that had the same problem, but he says he just changed wires from the 5 way connector wire designed for the Arducopter to Receiver connections. Oh, I have put tone to the 5 way connector wires mentioned above, everything appears to be solid there.
Any advice?
Thomas, do you mean you bought it with a Spectrum RC included, and the transmitter and receiver are unbound?
no,hexa with payload of 2,3 or more kg wont stay in air if lose one motor...teorethicly answer is yes,but when u lose motor brain is not capable of reacting so fast...Y6 frame and octa X8 frame could survive one motor loss,octa maybe with two...been there than that with normal hexa..my one also have trust enough for 9kg,but when u lose motor hexa make salto mortale on the side where is that motor...