Dedicated to the exchange of useful information between members using the Arduino or other families of processors for autonomous rovers.

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Before Posting an Issue

Hi All,

Before posting an issue or a problem in the ArduRover Discussion Forum, please check the wiki table of contents, review the firmware release notes in the subforum, and search that subforum for existing answers to your question. Help avoid duplicate threads by finding other members with the same issue and their solution.

When formulating your post, use a descriptive title such as "rover will not navigate to waypoints in the Auto mode" (not "HELP!" or "Problem").

Please include the following information to help diagnose your query:

  • Describe the problem you are having. What is the expected verses the observed behavior?
  • Provide hardware information such as the brand and version of your autopilot, GPS, radio, and compass, as well as any other pertinent details about your rover setup.
  • What version of the APM: ArdurRover2 firmware version are you running?
  • For navigation issues, provide your tlog and/or dataflash log. Click here for instructions on retrieving a dataflash log.


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  • @TCIII

    Hi Thomas,

    This may be something we move to the discussion forum but I wanted to know what you considered a Build Log? Generally I've been going with Chris's guidelines of; forums are for question and blogs are for announcements. I wondering if it makes some sense to come up with a set of ArduRover users group web page guidelines. For instance this comment wall here I would think would be the place to make comments on the users group itself, and possibly the web page. The Discussion Forum would be the place to put questions about GPS and motor drivers, software questions, etc. Announcements are probably the more confusing thing for me right now. They show up on the main web page but what's a good way to connect it up to this user group specifically.


  • Admin


    Thanks for the input Gentlemen. Much appreicated.



  • @TCIII,

    I use the same TxRx for my boat. It works great and I presume it would be just as good for a land based rover. More intuitive than stick, IMO. 



  • Developer


    never needed to arm my rover. i think the rover dont need to be armed.



  • Admin

    Hi all,

    I am presently trying to use the Traxxas E-Maxxs TQi Transmitter and Receiver combo with my ArduRover. The rover woks fine in just the R/C controlled mode, but I am concerned that I will not be able to arm the rover through the APM1 using the steering wheel/throttle trigger in place of the Pitch/Roll stick like on an aircraft R/C transmitter.




  • Admin

    @Tom G,

    Thanks for the input. Much appreciated.



  • @TCIII - Haven't tried Ublox on APM2.5, but it works great on 2.0!  Much better than MediaTek.  TG

  • Admin

    Hi all,

    I think that I can answer my own question. The guy who claimed that the new UBlox GPS cables were wired wrong was blowing smoke. The cables and the pinouts are the same for the APM1.4 and the APM2.5.



  • Admin

    Hi all,

    I am about to attach my new UBlox GPS to my APM1.4 and I have a question!

    Is the pinout on the APM2.5 GPS connector the same as the one on the APM1.4? There has been some discussion that the GPS cables that came with the new UBlox GPS are not wired correctly. Comments?



  • Yes, I'd like to study more the approach of sending the output of an APM into an arduino or other uP.

    I'd like to modify the APM code to send numeric values for the direction vector (speed and heading), instead of a pair of PWM signals.

    Probably also want a way to download waypoints, which should already exist.  But it would be easier coming from my uP, rather the the coarse planner.


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New rover advice

Hi, i am looking to build a new rover, but i need some advice on the chassis. I like the 4wd chassis/tank look and prefer it over the crawler/rc look.are those any good though? most people recommend crawlers.I am looking to get something from banggood, any advice will be highly appreciated. thanks

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skid steer vehicle steering uncontrollable

Hi all, I have a skid steer robot using a pixhawk cube, one 1x15 roboclaw motor controller and a dagu wild thumper 4 wheel chassis. I have skid steering working so far, testing motor c and motor d tests works as described and the vehicle can be controlled in manual mode. However, upon using any mode other than manual mode the rover wants to shake and pivot on the spot, and it seems the steering PID controller oscillates and these oscillations get larger. i have tried everything but it is still…

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Traxxas X-Maxx ROVER ESC advice

Hi,I have converted a Traxxas X-Maxx into a rover using the Pixhawk Cube 2 controller kit with a Here GNSS.I swapped out the original X-Maxx remote controller for an X6R receiver and Taranis QX7 radio.latest version of ArduRover firmware installed as of 8/11/18.  The rover has an EZRun Max6 ESC. The problem now is the ESC control over the transition into reverse. The ESC is currently set to it's Running Mode Option 2: "Forward/Reverse with Break", AKA the "Double Click Method".What this mode…

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Help! No throttle or steering response!

Hi all.I know this is an Adurover group, but Thought I would reach out and try my odds for some help as I'm perplexed by this problem. I have a Traxxas X-Maxx set up with a Pixhawk Cube 2.1 and the Here GPS. I'm using a Tarranis X7 remote controller and a X8R Sbus Receiver. I'm using QGroundControl with the latest, Pixhawk 1.8.0 Firmware with the Generic Rover airframe profile installed. As instructed, I have Steering servo wired into Main 2 and Throttle ESC wired into Main 4. Sensors are…

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