
              • I'm glad you got it working, the self discovery works really well. For me when you have this many sensor to configure then its worth powering up the model and discovering them using the Taranis, even if only to save typos.  Then use companion to do the remaining "calculated" sensors at the bottom of clooney pictures of the sensors.

                When I get time I need to calibrate the mAh, it would be good if I could use a value from mission planner as I have that around 98% accurate now.


                • Hi Luis

                  Thanks for the advice I will look into that tonight

                   Tim Painter


                  • You'll need to "discover" the telemetry sensors on the radio before anything else. Then connect the radio to Companion and read the model from the radio.

                    This new sensor discovery thing, while great, requires that extra step of discovery physically the sensors and then copy to Companion to set up everything correctly.

                  • Hi Luis.

                      The no message problem is  Solved.

                      directory's ok,

                    But telemetry sensor settings were incorrect (T2 / Temp2 I think)

                    Is it possible to cut/paste telemetry settings  into  companion?


              • Paul, could you please explain what you mean by having the taranis to "discover " the gps config ?
                I don't see the way to do something like that from companion .
                • Hi All

                            I have been using Rolf Blomgren  teensy adapter successfully  for a year now

                  great work Thanks..

                    Then i decided to try updating to open tx 2.1.7  /"Cloony"/ latest lua.

                  Hmm big learning curve for an old pensioner!

                  nearly there now just a couple of issues

                  message sounds not playing (sanantha   in    /SOUNDS/en/TELEM)

                  (modes and system  play ok)

                  and VFAS not displayed correctly on screen .  (15v =1.5v??)


                  I changed this line  to this


                  Fixed!  , May be we need a different version for every update of open Tx ?.

                  Thanks to all for making your efforts freely available to everybody


                  • Hi

                    I assume that you've updated OpenTX to 2.1.7 from 2.0.x

                    If that is the case you also need to update the entire "native" collection of sounds of OpenTX.

                • Its not done in companion. Its done on the model Telemetry sensor screen on the Taranis. This is the screen on the Taranis where all your telemetry sensors are configured. If you have a sensor already called GPS, and it is displaying a string of digits instead of a regular Lat/Long notation, then, first delete this GPS sensor, then with your radio and craft powered, and your radio getting telemetry information through, choose the option on that same page called 'Discover new sensors' , and your GPS sensor (hosted by the Teensy) should re-appear on the screen. Once its there, then you can select 'Stop Discovery', and you should notice that the GPS sensor on that page is now showing more meaningful data - even if you don't have a satellite fix, if you select the GPS sensor and hit 'Ent' then it should show the format:

                  0º00'- 0º00'-

                  at the top of the edit screen.

                  I will seek to have the Wiki on github ( updated to give better advice for setting this up.

                  Cheers, Paul

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            • Kev, I really appreciate you taking the effort to check this. My GPS reading is what's wrong then. It appears ti be configured the same way as yours but maybe there is an issue dealing with the GPS values sent from the Mavlink side on APM 3.3. I may downgrade one of my lesser used quads to test this. Thanks again, Paul

              • Any idea how I can include the information about the " simple mode" status on the taranis ? I know I can include this specifically as a flight mode, but in order to have more fm configured , I have assigned simple to channel 8 , then I have all modes in std, and simple mode ,
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