Current Features:
Parsing for NMEA, SiRF, uBlox, MediaTek, ArduIMU Binary and AP ACSII
Record/Playback for raw datastream
Working avionics instruments
3D rendering of EasyStar, FunJet, Quad and a few other models
Google Earth and Google Maps real-time (non-KML) disply
Live video stream
Himan readable serial data stream (including binary)
Windows only
Still to come:
APM 2-way communication and configuration including in flight waypoint editing
Auto download of waypoint data for AP
Language translation file
X-Bee uploading of compiled source
Resizing and possibly drag and drop of components
Save video stream
KML file support
Ok, thanks for the reply.
I thinks is better to wait for ArduPilot Mega 2.0.
Now I can buy parts for copter and think about how it will be built and read on the subject.
I will build a ArduCopter and thinking about buying ArduPilot Mega 2.0 but is out of order now.
Can I use ArduPilot ATmega 2560 1.4 and ArduIMU+ V3 instead of ArduPilot Mega IMU Shield OilPan Rev-H V1.0 ?
I uploaded the new code Arduimu 1.9 into my ArduImu V3 and pitch, roll and yaw work perfect. I use MTK gps which is connected into the ArduIMU and I have NMEA sentence from this GPS too.)
The problem is: When I use Happy Killmore GCS it gives bad format of the coordinates - degrees and decimal. And the decimal point is at the wrong position. See the picture below or see the HKO file. The
Do you have any solution?
link: http://www.penzionfermata.cz/arduimu.hko
thank you
Happy Killmore's GCS is perfect software for me. But I bought a new version of ArduIMU V3 with mediatek GPS. Unfortunately the latest version does not support this ArduIMU. Do you plan any new version of the GCS?
thank you
Sorry if you have answered this already, but what reciever and transmitter should be used? For example, I have the Arduino Pro Mini (16mhz 5v) and I want to talk to it from a Laptop/PC. What hardware do I need to attach onto the Arduino Pro Mini and what USB plug transmitter should I add onto the Laptop/PC?
Also is there anyway to get the Video feed from a parrot AR (connected to a Arduino to a transmitter) to feed into your GCS?
Thanks for the great program and GCS :)
yes, off-line maps... there are many places without wireless network available, specially here where i live, so i use OZ Explorer and it´s efective, but i would like to start using your software but i´ll fell the lack of map navigation.
Hi Happykillmore, is it possible to have the chance to load calibrated maps instead of using google earth, like OZ Eplorer uses.
I am looking for a tool to convert the raw data in the *.hko into something like shown in the "Translated Data" window. Or is there a way to save data from this window?
Sorry if it sounds stupid but i didn't find anything useful.
Hi, I'm very interested in generic Mavlink support by Happykillmore GCS. It is there by a large extent, but some commands do not match, like uav modes.
For example, mavlink protocol has 4 testing modes for MAV_MODE and I'm using 2 of them in order to switch on and switch off simulation mode in my autopilot, but HK GCS does not show them. I understand that Mavlink support in HK GCS is very tied to what APM supports, so I'm wondering, are there plans to make also "generic" Mavlink support available?
i seem to lose my map when i go to the flying field. i only get live camera view. is this because i have no internet connection?