Issues with YAW

So, I took the Y6 out for a spin this weekend, and i am now having some issues with the Y6 keeping steady on the yaw axis.  It is actually wondering, and the rudder stick input is not correcting enough.  Any ideas as to what it may be?  I already recalibrated everything, so it's not that.  Any recommended PID values for yaw?  I fiddled a bit with these looking for a bit more command from rudder input, but I do not remember the default values (which were a bit weak to start with, to be honest), so any help on where to start here would help me...


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  • I'm liking that Felipe and it's very steady in the wind.

    If you want to read some of the testing done by Leonard Hall for the Y6B:

  • Here are a couple of vids from the test flight which shows that the Y6 is now flying well (I just took off and rotated around, and tried a bit to test it)...


  • This is the auto analysis results:

    Log File C:/Program Files (x86)/Mission Planner/logs/2015-02-15 16-49-39.log
    Size (kb) 4448.494140625
    No of lines 62836
    Duration 0:04:35
    Vehicletype ArduCopter
    Firmware Version V3.2.1
    Firmware Hash 36b405fb
    Hardware Type PX4
    Free Mem 50592
    Skipped Lines 1

    Test: Autotune = UNKNOWN - No ATUN log data
    Test: Balance/Twist = GOOD -
    Test: Brownout = GOOD -
    Test: Compass = GOOD - mag_field interference within limits (8.94%)

    Test: Dupe Log Data = GOOD -
    Test: Empty = GOOD -
    Test: Event/Failsafe = GOOD -
    Test: GPS = FAIL - Min satellites: 4, Max HDop: 9.91
    Test: IMU Mismatch = FAIL - Check vibration or accelerometer calibration. (Mismatch: 1.71, WARN: 0.75, FAIL: 1.50)
    Test: Parameters = GOOD -
    Test: PM = FAIL - 22 slow loop lines found, max 10.53% on line 46147
    Test: Pitch/Roll = GOOD -
    Test: Thrust = GOOD -
    Test: VCC = GOOD -


    • No suggestions?  I will try to get a flight in this weekend (depending on wind conditions) to try this and the new sonar rangefinder, but any ideas until then?

    • I know you tested everything in terms of motors/esc, but in your logs the RCOUT shows that the FC tries hard to turn, but even with the upper motors at lowest pwm the Y6 doesn´t turn. It looks like there are upper and lower motor swapped on one boom. You can check with MP initial setup -> optional hardware ->Motors test feature.

      The upper motors should be connected to 1,3,5 and lower to 2,4,6 on the FC.

      What Props do you use? Is there a difference in size between upper and lower props?


    • Thanks for the analysis, Hubertus.  That is a very helpful comment!  I will check that this week.  I have been meaning to fly the thing, but it has been just too windy lately...  But I will try to run the motor check tonight.  I really hope it's something as simple as that!

      As for your questions, I use same size props on all motors (Neewer 10X4.7 Carbon Fiber), but the same thing happened when I flew with the old props (APC 10X4.7) on all motors.

      One question, though; if it WERE the swapped out motors, would it not affect the Y6 in BOTH directions?


    • Hubertus, seems your assesment was spot on...  I did the motor test, and the order I got was:

      Bottom right

      Top Right

      Bottom Rear

      Top Rear

      Top Left

      Bottom Left

      According to the wiki, the test should have been:

      Top Right

      Bottom Right

      Top Rear

      Bottom Rear

      Top Left

      Bottom Left

      So basically, this means that I have 2 arms inverted, right?  


    • Felipe, on my Y6 the Motor test works like it is described in the wiki (top right, bottom right, top rear,...)

      Can you change the plugs on the pixhawk?

      As you can see in the RCOUT data, the upper props always run on lower pwm because they work in undisturbed air, so they can turn the Y6 more easy than the lower ones.


    • First things first...

      I changed all connections so I would have the proper order.  Tested the order with the motor test, and it is in the right order (top right, bottom right, top rear...).  Took a VERY quick test flight this morning before going to work (basically, took off, hit ALT HOLD, turned it around in both directions, landed), and yaw issues seem to have been fixed, but I need to take a proper flight to be 100% sure.  Thanks a lot for the input, Hubertus!

      Another positive note is that, despite the windy conditions, the ALT HOLD function worked A LOT better, so it seems that the sonar is also working very well (shifts in altiture were less than 30 cm or about a foot or so;  before, we were talking over a meter and a half in same conditions - or about 5 feet for our American friends).

      As for the RCOUT data, I have absolutely NO CLUE as to how to read it...  

      In any case, I think it is safe to say that I can now move forward to my last Y6 challenge before calling it a "completed" project: getting the gimbal to work properly.  That means properly mounting the ginbal to the Y6's frame, fixing the contact issue the gimbal seems to be having (the sensor board contacts seem to have some play; at least enough to loose connection with the main board), and getting the Pixhawk to control the gimbal's pitch. With that, the Y6 should be all done and ready for filming (although, lets be realistic; I will probably want to include something else down the line!)


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