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Before Posting an Issue

Hi All,

Before posting an issue or a problem in the ArduRover Discussion Forum, please check the wiki table of contents, review the firmware release notes in the subforum, and search that subforum for existing answers to your question. Help avoid duplicate threads by finding other members with the same issue and their solution.

When formulating your post, use a descriptive title such as "rover will not navigate to waypoints in the Auto mode" (not "HELP!" or "Problem").

Please include the following information to help diagnose your query:

  • Describe the problem you are having. What is the expected verses the observed behavior?
  • Provide hardware information such as the brand and version of your autopilot, GPS, radio, and compass, as well as any other pertinent details about your rover setup.
  • What version of the APM: ArdurRover2 firmware version are you running?
  • For navigation issues, provide your tlog and/or dataflash log. Click here for instructions on retrieving a dataflash log.


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  • Admin

    Hi All,

    I have validated the latest ArduRover2 v2.30 alpha code that is in the GitHub. The latest release includes the new sonar obstacle avoidance code and customizing parameters. Presently the obstacle avoidance code converts the sensor voltage to distance using the following formula: (conversion constant)*(raw voltage)+offset. Unfortunately the present Sharp 2D12 IR sensor requires that the raw voltage value be divided into the conversion constant (14500) and not multiplied by it. Therefore I have pmed Tridge that we need the option to divide into the conversion constant as well as multiply by it.



  • Hi guys! 

    I am interested in using ArduRover for a boat project, the boat uses port and starboard motors and no rudder. Can ArduRover be used for this? 

    I think re-coding the AP and PC interface for my project is beyond my capabilities. I wonder if any of the experts would be interested in a paid project? I think I want;

    slimmed down PC interface 

    renaming of camera controls on the waypoint editor for a different purpose

    loitering enabled (I think that has been removed for rover?)

    timing for loitering, timing for shutter release etc

    please send me a message or post here if interested, thanks!


  • Admin


    Unless a member has made a video of how to interconnect the ArduRover hardware, the closests you are going to get to a hardware interconnection diagram is in the Wiki:



  • dear all

    thanks to everyone in the forum. finally compiled the latest code. but i achieve this by coping all the Library files of firmware in the library of ardino software. i think that this may help others who are facing compilation problem. now i request you to kindly share a detail video of hardware connection to the rover (if any one have a link for such videos). again thanks from a newbi for all the patience.   

  • Thats awesome Tom, can't wait to see it, be more then happy to help test it :)

  • Admin

    Hi All,

    Tridge and I made some real progress with the obstacle avoidance code today. The obstacle avoidance operating parameters will be highly customizable allowing the user to select any kind of sonar they wish to use. Unfortunately it may be a while before we can release an alpha version of the ArduRover2 v2.30 code that provides the new obstacle avoidance functionality because it will take a while to be thoroughly tested. Also the obstacle avoidance code will require changes to the MP to display the sonar range in the HUD.



  • Admin


    I just checked the zipped folder and both files, ArduRover2 and the libraries, are in there. I have rezipped the ArduRover_v230_20130222 and attached it below.




  • Admin


    I just ran the ArduRover2_v230_0222 code on the modified Arduino IDE 1.0.3 compiler and it compiled without error. I am compiling for the APM1.x so there may be a problem with the APM2.x. I just tried compiling for the APM2.x and it compiled without error. Make sure that your Sketch folder is in the same root directory as the Arduino IDE 1.0.3 folder. I am using the same code that I zipped into the ArduRover folder on the comment wall. I suspect that the problem has to do with your Sketch directory structure in relation to the Arduino IDE folder's position in your root directory.



  • @All especially TCIII:

    I too am having dififculty getting 2.30_2013_0222 to compile. I get an error from the compiler complaining about s.calibrate_accel  function with error .. no matching funtion for call to "AP_InertialSensor_MPU6000 ...

    I have no problems compiling 2.30_2103_0209 so I think I have all the directory structures correct. Anything missing in the zip ?

  • Admin


    Do you have the Ardupilot libraries file in the same Sketch folder as the ArduRover2 code? The error that you are receiving seems to indicate that the Ardupilot libraries are not in the same Sketch folder as the ArduRover2 code. Do not put the Ardupilot libraries that came in the ArduRover_v230_firmware zip folder in the IDE libraries folder!



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New rover advice

Hi, i am looking to build a new rover, but i need some advice on the chassis. I like the 4wd chassis/tank look and prefer it over the crawler/rc look.are those any good though? most people recommend crawlers.I am looking to get something from banggood, any advice will be highly appreciated. thanks

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skid steer vehicle steering uncontrollable

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Traxxas X-Maxx ROVER ESC advice

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Help! No throttle or steering response!

Hi all.I know this is an Adurover group, but Thought I would reach out and try my odds for some help as I'm perplexed by this problem. I have a Traxxas X-Maxx set up with a Pixhawk Cube 2.1 and the Here GPS. I'm using a Tarranis X7 remote controller and a X8R Sbus Receiver. I'm using QGroundControl with the latest, Pixhawk 1.8.0 Firmware with the Generic Rover airframe profile installed. As instructed, I have Steering servo wired into Main 2 and Throttle ESC wired into Main 4. Sensors are…

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