I thought that you should be aware of the proposed CASA rule changes and the response by the existing Australian UAS operators representative body. I am struck by how protectionist the response seems from the ACUO seems, I really got the impress
Now that I am moving to fixed wing UAS, I no longer require the gimbal that I had bought when I thought that I would be building a Hex. The gimbal is still in the original box and has not been fitted to an aircraft or even powered up. It wil
We are hosting another Sydney Flight day early morning Sunday the 16th Feb. All are welcome, we will be at Centennial Park, for those who have not come to one of the SydneyFPV meetups before, let me know, and ill give you a location
I'm a complete newb to this, but worse I have no RC experience beyond simple fwd/rev/left/right type toys. I'm hoping to set up a Fingwing Penguin as a UAV for aerial photography and multi-spectral NDVI as part of a project here at w
Hi everyone. Looking for from people to go fpv'ing with.I use an f450 quad with a home built ground station.I am currently building a bit of a beast with some parts from rc timer.Are there any groups out there who already go flying that I could join?
The MR4 Quadcopter is an Australian developed product by BASK Industries and utilizing many components promoted on this forum.This Topic is started as a place to share experiences on the MR4. So feel free to make comment on anything related to the MR
Hi! I bought an Ardu Flyer Board with a blox LEA 6H.
The cable appears suspect. The cable attached to the GPS has its ground at the extreem edge of the board. The cable where is attaches to the Ardu Board puts the ground in the opposite position,
I'm overseas at the moment, but trying to keep an eye on developments in UAV business back home. Seems to me that most of the action is in Queensland, with Queensland University of Technology and Insitu both there.