LINUX BeagleBone ArduPilot DIY Cape

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Hardware / Software: BBBMINI


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  • Hi Patrick,

    good idea:



  • Great,

    May I suggest that you open a new discussion called ''new release & wish list" or something similar so we can put our request an discuss on the new release ?

  • Developer

    Mhh i smell a new revision coming :) nice!

  • Hi Patrick,

    I will try to get this on Rev 1.6.



  • Please note on the Airspeed Sensor cable , there is a multiturn 10kohm potentiometer so you can adjust the signal voltage at a maximum of 1,8 Volts, in conformance with the maximum ADC specs of the BeagleBone.

  • Getting closer to fly BBBMINI on Airplane Configuration 

    Just finished building a new BBB MINI + Airspeed Analog

    Thanks again Mirko for your help 

    I decided not to install  the CanBus and use the free space to install the Airspeed analog connector instead. So I soldered a jumper to the AIN03 (P9-38) and soldered it on the Canbus signal run. 




  • ok,

    i am off for the next few days ...
    but you need to find the differences between the two devices when reading the datasheet.
    if you have an overview of these two devices you compare the existing driver with the one provided in the arduino example.

    now you just enhance the current driver with the new elements found in the arduino driver.

    the rest is just building the linux image.

    i have a bbbmini in front of me but not the new ms device ;-)

  • Hi Robert,

    For the benefit of those of us who aren't experienced or knowledgeable enough to  understand, would you please explain what the problem is that Thomas is having and how to fix it. I'm also intend trying to use the BBBmini and Ardusub with the MS5837. 



  • hi,

    yes, you have described your problem.

    arduino is not linux or nuttx.

    there is a difference which causes your negative experience.

    read the datasheet and compare with the implementation.

  • Admin


    "Read the datasheet"? Please explain.

    The MS5837 pressure sensor is available as a depth sensor from Blue Robotics.

    The MS5837 works fine with the Arduino Uno using a level shifter so it is definitely capable of communication over the I2C bus.

    Also, OpenROV is using the MS5837 pressure sensor in their IMU/Compass/Depth/Module.



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Build drone BBBmini

I saw on the Linus page that he stopped selling the BBBmini kit, so I ordered a shenzhen2u, it arrived in 30 to 40 days.In the kit, it features a mounting bracket for the HC-SR04, my question is: should it be mounted in front of the drone, to avoid obstacles / collisions? Or should it be mounted below the drone for the altitude hold function? Or can I put 2 sensors: one to avoid frontal collision and another to hold altitude?I found in Banggood a breakout board with the I2C and UART…

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8 Replies

BBBmini / Matek HUBOSD8-SE / Current & Voltage sensing

First time poster and newb DIY drone builder. So please pardon my ignorance.I've sourced parts for a DJI Flamewheel 450 clone. Obviously the FC is the BBBmini, along with the recommended baro, gps, sonar sensors also picked up a genuine 3dr telemetry radio which will be connected via UART. Finally I've ordered a set of Castle Creations DMR 30/40 ESCs.I'm left with identifying the PDB and motors. I have some used DJI 2212 920KV motors that I may swap out for some EMAX or Multistar 2213 or 2216…

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3 Replies

Get 'SIGBUS error' when I run the program

HI all,I need your help!I use BBG and BBBmini ,when I run arducopter-quad or INS_generic ,I get the error info "RCOutputAioPRU.cpp:SIGBUS error gernerated",I don't why I get this error.I am not good at English.If anyone know how to solve it ,please give me your hand. Thank you!

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11 Replies