It has an Arduino board already piggy-backed on to that sonar you linked, so I assume you can connect it directly to the digital input pins (5-6)
Either way, good luck. Let us know your progress.
Tony Kenward > Tony KenwardDecember 10, 2015 at 9:21am
PostScript: I received one of these HK sonars about a week ago, but I won't have time until after the HollyDaze to spend time playing with configuring it.
Yes sir! I installed the max sonar 3dr sells. Just make sure you're installing it for the right reasons. Will it serve a purpose or is it for the "cool factor."
Make sure you use a shielded cable! You may have to build one yourself! Regardless, good luck.
At one time I had one on an APM and it seemed to work. I took it off for a while. I put it back on after I had upgraded to 3.2.1 FW but I could never get it to work right. I tried it on a Pixhawk and it was a no-go....
James tate > Clifton HipsherDecember 4, 2015 at 2:07pm
i hope someone replies to that, before i get into installing on my Pixhawk.
A simple sketch I wrote up for the Arduino Nano. I try to use I2C interface for SR04 sonar
Block diagram
[ HC-SR04 5V ] <=> [ Trig(8), Echo(9) ArduinoNano 5V SDA(A4), SCL(A5) ] <=> [Bi-Directional Logic Level Converter 5V 3.3V] <=> [Rixracer/Pixhawk I2C]
Sonar model from the drop down list
Mission Planner | Optional Hardware | Sonar = MaxbotixI2C
$14.95 !, oy vey!!
If you want to experiment with this sonar unit instead of the MaxBotics, or better, a Lidar, then consider the module from HK:
It has an Arduino board already piggy-backed on to that sonar you linked, so I assume you can connect it directly to the digital input pins (5-6)
Either way, good luck. Let us know your progress.
PostScript: I received one of these HK sonars about a week ago, but I won't have time until after the HollyDaze to spend time playing with configuring it.
I snapped a quick shot of the processing board:
The chip is an Atmel Mega 328P
Stephen, have you used this on a Drone/Pixhawk ?
How about when the Drone tilts during flight front end goes Up or Down as this Video suggest;
Make sure you use a shielded cable! You may have to build one yourself! Regardless, good luck.
Want to use sonar to fly indoors in auditoriums and such . Would you suggest ??
Thanks ??
BTDT. That "sonar" will not work.
At one time I had one on an APM and it seemed to work. I took it off for a while. I put it back on after I had upgraded to 3.2.1 FW but I could never get it to work right. I tried it on a Pixhawk and it was a no-go....
i hope someone replies to that, before i get into installing on my Pixhawk.
Look at this: