Problems, Hints, experience, comments on the new PIXHAWK3689246135?profile=original

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  • The POWER of the RC port is different than the Servo Rail, There appears to be a 350mA resettable fuse on it.

  • The RC port should not be used for telemetry.

    The RC port is used for SBUS, PPM signals , it is a IN port not a OUT port.

  • i all been browsing for days and cant fine a answer 

    on the pixhawk is it ok to pull 5V 175 mAh of the RC port to drive a telemetry receiver  

    on full load up to 200mAh

  • I had a PIXHAWK  flyaway few months back , crashed into a tree ,no damage , However , we had no control at all. RTH and geofence and all other fail. to respond . I have the sd card ready to upload files to the site here if any one wants to figure what went wrong

    What files do I upload,, all ?

    Thanks Michael

  • Just a bit of an update on my gps issues. The maps supplied in Mission planner are giving different readings to Google Earth Pro. It is the maps or the set up of those maps in Mission Planner that appears to be the problem. Can the maps list in mission planner be updated or the setting altered to correct this discrepancy?

  • Well, finally the weather has broken and I've just returned from the field after trying to sort out the GPS discrepancy I'm getting between my iPhone and my Pixhawk drones. Nothing has changed, so it doesn't appear to be the likes of multipathing. I've just dug the hole I'm in even deeper because I've just updated Missionplanner and I see a whole lot more features than were there before, and I now can't make head or tails out of the limited ability I had when it comes to reading logs. Would someone be so kind as to have a look at the last logs I've downloaded? Apart from the gps issues, I'm also concerned about the vibration level. It used to be almost perfect but I've just added some landing skids and I think they may be amplifying the small vibes I had.

    I've now got to get to grips with what SBAS is so I can make alterations there if required.

    Dropbox - Link not found
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  • Yes that solves it! Thank you all  for the help!

  • git clone

    cd ardupilot

    git checkout Copter-3.3.1

    And you can see all the tags to checkout with "git tag -l"

  • you have to be in the ardupilot directory when you do "checkout"

  • Thank's for fast replies! I run the "git clone" command and after that I run the git checkout Copter-3.3.1 command but it did not work.I get this message: fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git       

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Making a phototransistor cable for Canon S110

I want to make a phototransistor cable for my S110 to attach infront of its red eye LED light and connecting it to pixhawk in order to imporve the geotagging process. But I am fairly new with electronic, wiring and soldering stuff.Thus I need help and guidance on how to properly make one. I want to know is this the right connection for me to make the cable.Any help is really appreciated. Thank you.

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Hexa with Hobbywing X8 motors

Hii am building a hexacopter with1.) hobbywing x8 motors2.) flight controller pixhawk PX53.) battery 12s 22Ah4.) wheel base of around 1800mm5.) estimated weight around 17kg without payloadi am looking if anyone has already tuned this type so i can get a head start. looking forwardthank youMike

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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Flashing in Pixhawk

Hi everyone,Recently I've got my first pixhawk CUAV v5+. I'm amazed to see one thing that through one USB port only we can flash code and read the logging data. To understand how is it working I started looking schematic but didn't understand anything. Can someone please tell how is that working?

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