I have an issue it move's so fast it tips over in did try to set the max Rate in yaw gain but it makes no difference
Thanks Colin https://youtu.be/avnlnGXJ-is "
"Thanks for that i had one some time back its only plastic gears and they never stop at the same spot Sebastian Schürmann said:
GWS builds a sailwinch servo that does 1T or 360°. GWS S125 1T"
"No you Please Google Continuous rotation servo not after one
i need one that goes past 180 not Continuous rotation
Anthony Verloop said:
fred flintstone said:Hi all anyone got an idea of a servo that goes past 180 Deg
"thanks i do i cant get 1.0 to work on my pixhawk works fin on 0.8 Jeff said:
I just compiled v0.8.0 for the pixhawk if anyone needs it, since it is no longer available."
"well that counts me out then 900x i not going to up date all 7 900+ i have bummer kent Martin said:
Short answer , no.
The hardware is capable but old modems would need mods to keep up with x versions and they are hard to change. There is an ever…"
"don't connect tx line out of the OSD you only need TX into the OSD if you have 2 TX the controller will get confused in who it is talking to
Jeremy Stromsoe said:
Jamie, did you figure this out? I'm also running MinimOSD and it works fine with…"