
  • can this be ran in windows? because i cannot get it to work properly.

  • Hi Sir

    I used the USB cable to connect my APM2.0. However, I just can receive the state topic. If I want to receive the sensor information, what else should I do? Thank you!

  • Hi, i am new to this ROS MAVLink and APM thing.

    I tried to use the roscopter and i encounter something like
     "AttributeError: 'MAVLink_heartbeat_message' object has no attribute 'base_mode'

    any idea how to solve this problem?

  • Cool. I haven't tested this yet, but looks good.

    However, pymavlink dependency is not explained. 

    Can you explain how to install dependency?

    I have Beagleboard and gumstix, so I'll test on that platform.

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