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  • Hi John

    Nice Vid! I like the special sound effects! Ploop! lol Did you swim out to get it? ;) Did you save most of the gear at least...a bit expensive otherwise... :(

    @all others (to many to list!)

    I have a HK450GT Copter and a slow Ar Drone, but I'm looking at a quad next.

    Currently I am also only starting up with the APM2 on Bixlers, AXN floater and Skyfun, I'd really like to get a Ritewing Zephyr soon as well (trappies fault!). As you can see I'm a HobbyKing fan! Overall I am looking for a stable, compact and efficient  way to cover a large surveillance area. Speed Is not required, but stability, range/distance travelled per sortie is, for this type of Enviro-mapping. 

    Even though I like the GoPro concept it isn't really what I prefer for a FPV/UAV camera. I am currently tinkering with the Canon CHDK camera mod, and it's ability to run scripts (mini-programs ie timelapse, event triggers) on nearly any compact Canon camera, which allows for both shutter/video and zoom control via the cameras USB port, from a single APM IO port. One further possibility is running a GPS triggered mechanism within the CHDK mod script itself, on a GPS enabled Canon camera, making the application even easier to run independently of the APM.

    The overall concept is to have a simple low cost "farmer" friendly imaging device, that can be bought "off the shelf", and easily modified (CHDK mod is just copying a couple of files onto the SD card), that then can be installed on a cheap (possibly custom flying wing) foam airframe. APM with waypoint autopilot optional. ER9X mod TX with Frsky telemetry, or even OpenLRS for RC.

    Next would be to implement the same into a quad for locations with limited "airspace" and range requirements. Ideally something like Quadshot combo would be nice... ;)

    In the future I'd like to implement some mesh networking to allow independent LOS (line of sight)  long range comms etc as well, based on SDR radio's driven by FPGA's, but I haven't got the time atm. One version to overcome range anxiety is basically to have a "flying ground station" with LOS to the next mesh hub, for both video and comms etc.

    ATM I am flying at a local park or from our farm (limited airspace), but I am willing to drive towards Perth to meet with other FPVers, Safety Bay lakes sound like a good option to do some testing. Anybody know when/where they can be accessed? I might go past tonight and see.

    Regards JB

  • I'm just round the corner in Willetton. I fly at Centenary Ave reserve, Safety Bay salt lakes and opposite the small shopping centre on Apsley Ave in Willetton. 2m wingspan raptor, Skywalker or Bixler...  I'm not Coptered up yet. If you all want a laugh seach for ardupilot in the drink on youtube....

  • wow it's great to see some responses at least! I usually fly around Hossack reserve in Riverton on a weekday or Tompkins Park near Ardross on a weekend.

    @JB and @Brett: I've just finished building a 550 quad with APM2+sonar. Almost done experimenting with most of the autopilot features and various modes so if you need to discuss something I'm more than happy to share my limited experience.

    My FPV stuffs is arriving sometime this week and hopefully I should be able to join in the FPV fun wherever these other guys are flying :D

  • Moderator
    @James yes, COPTERCAM was a sponsor and we provided live video feeds to the media van. We had 3 aircraft flying most continuously. We have some video on YouTube, search for Avon Descent 2013. Channel 10 will be using some footage in their 1 hour special in 2 weeks time.

    Dont try this at home kids, the location is in Class C controlled airspace and we have area approval from CASA plus ATC clearance to operate.
  • @JB, I would also be interested in this. I have built a basic trainer with APM1 and a roll stabilised camera mount for aerial surveying. I've also got an FPV Raptor (2m version) that is still being built.

    Where abouts are you flying? I live north of the river (Bayswater) but am happy to travel if you have a good spot to fly. I'm free on saturday is that suits and the weather is ok


    @Hai - were you down at the finish line in Bayswater? I saw a couple of copters filming there. Very impressive performance given the strong winds later in the afternoon.




  • hi JB, I'm into that sort of thing. Well really just getting up to speed with APM2 board and the quad copter. manual flies well. Now waiting for no wind before testing auto flight (maybe this weds or thurs). Got gopro 1 on board and looking at other cameras. Have used planes with apm1.

    I'm in Forrestfield, so fly around southern and eastern Perth mainly. further if its of real interest. pm me here or brettwww dot glossop at gmail dot com

  • Moderator

    We are alive, just too busy flying.  Did over 50 flights over the weekend filming the Avon Descent!

  • Hi there all

    I'm new here and am wondering how many people are doing FPV in the Southern Perth area, if at all. Would be interesting to know some good sites for testing, and possibly sharing some ideas on setting up some Ardupilot 2.0/UAV/FPV systems, with the possibility of developing a environmental mapping platform for agriculture/mining use. Anyone interested? 

  • Yeah, we're all still here. Just pretty hard getting everyone together. Plus my Raptor went in the river a week and a bit ago... Just finished repairing it, but heading offshore with work so it looks like no flying for me in the near future. This probably isn't a bad forum to organise a group meeting. Maybe you should start a new topic and get the ball rolling.
  • just wondering if this group is alive and where is everyone flying? is there a weekly meeting of some sort? :)

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Hi AllPurchased a FlyPro X600 and I am trying to sort out what would be the most suitable camera to use for FPV and some video/stills photography.  The supplier has wired it up for a GoPro 3.  That model is a little out of date but a good camera to start with although if I am going to purchase a camera I would like to only spend on a one of that last for sometime.  I have had a look at the specs for the for what I will be flying it for Sony FDR-X1000V.  The software has stabilisation and some…

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UAV Long Range Video

I don't know if you have all seen the write up by CanberraUAV however Andrew replied to a question with this:"Comment by Andrew Tridgell 11 hours ago@Stephen,We ran the Ubiquity radios in normal AirMax mode. We used it to send UDP packets encapsulating a protocol we invented for the event that we call block_xmit. That is a reliable block sending protocol that is particularly good in high packet loss environments. We got about 25% packet loss during the flight, so sending images and data using…

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4 Replies

APM2 board: not able to get past radio calibration step. please help.

Would anybody be able to help me with Mission Planner comms to APM2 board? I've hit a hump that is troubling me. I'm not able to get past radio calibration step on new board and gear (Turnigy 9ch). I've got considerable IT experience and some APM1 successes but this prob is a B. Could just be a faulty dataflash card or PC security jamming actions, Be great to hear your thoughts 9453 3580problem described at http://diydrones.com/forum/topics/no-bars-to-calibrate-radio-signal...CheersBrett

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