I am using ArduPlane code with FlightGear for Hardware in the Loop. I am using Rascal110 airframe in FlightGear. I am trying to obtain Airspeed from my ArduPlane. I used following code to obtain this inside ArduPlane.pde.
I have seen instructions on setting up HIL using mission planner. In this case, I believe we use code provided by developers. I have successfully tested HIL with FlightGear.
I am quite new with ArduPilot. I was curious whether it is possible to program it? All I need is ArduPilot listening for some data communication at some port. Is it possible to generate serial communication between ArduPilot
Does anyone know how to send data from Raspberry Pi to ArduPilot 2.5 using Python? Using serial communication or something else. I am working on vision-based navigation without using the GPS. My navigation algorithm woul