I was doing research on the latest firmware to see what the problem was with my stabalized gimbal and found the new version had some problems. How would I reinstall the last release ? Do I have to erase the new one and how to do that and install the…
Anybody hook these up ? I have one and tried to install it on the 2560 board and am only getting tilt controll witch is connected to output 5 , when connected also the gimbal moves about 30 degrees and sets its self.the roll is connected to the…
"Did few things this morning to check the quad.
went into the raw sensor data, All sensors when quad is still are flat on graph. On the little gauges all are 0 except the Yaw which sat at about 110*. I figure the compass is working , quad is…"
"Wow, nobody has any ideas ????
Well I wiped the processor clean and reinstalled the program, rechecked all the input, outputs, calibrated the esc's and am going to try to get this up this weekend.
Well I finally got my receiver in and got the ardumega hooked up and started to configure the quad.I heard the ardupirate guys had some really good settings and I got their version of the APM planner, but after downloading it and trying to use it ,…
Hello,Just got the copter today and was setting up the board and am a bit confused as I am used to simpler FC'sI think I have the wrong cable to begin with for the receiver, The one I have is tiny compared to the one on the ardumega board. Can some…