Al Kilgore's Discussions (8)

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Jakubs gimbal no roll and other problems

Anybody hook these up ? I have one and tried to install it on the 2560 board and am only getting tilt controll witch is connected to output 5 , when connected also the gimbal moves about 30 degrees and sets its self.

the roll is connected to the outpu

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quad keep spinning

I recently assembled a quad with ardumega board and tried to do a test flight, got it off the ground and the copter spins to the left with no yaw controll. It is in the x configuration. I had checked motor rotation. Prop orientation and all seem ok.


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arducopter setup

Well I finally got my receiver in and got the ardumega hooked up and started to configure the quad.

I heard the ardupirate guys had some really good settings and I got their version of the APM planner, but after downloading it and trying to use it , i

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setting up ardumega 1280


Just got the copter today and was setting up the board and am a bit confused as I am used to simpler FC's

I think I have the wrong cable to begin with for the receiver, The one I have is tiny compared to the one on the ardumega board. Can some o

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