"Thanks. Now I can say you - Your firmware has major bug in Sensor initialization code. During initialization, timer_scheduler must be suspended and MPU6050 must be initialized before compass (Since compass connected via AUX I2C line of MPU). This…"
"Maybe one of the reason, when you take off, Home position saved with same error (in example 1km far from your location). While you flying, GPS got more accurate position. Now you switch to RTL and copter start to moving to inaccurate Home position.…"
"I have similar issue. After crash I'm not disarmed motors (first mistake), I'm suddenly enabled ALT_HOLD mode (second mistake) and motors start to spin in my hands. I'm tried to DISARM, but without success. After this, my friend unplug battery and…"
"I have some issues with coptersky. Sergey twice says that he already sent my quadcoper (185$) frame... but actually he is not. But after 1.5month after payment I have successfully received package :)
If you wish, I can give you him Skype account."
"@Randy, Thaks
I'm working on porting ArduCopter to MegaPiratesNG project, and I found small mistake in compass calibration code (May be I'm wrong). Page 17 of 5883L datasheet says:
For example, if the configuration register B is set to 0x60 …"