I have a plane that is tuned nicely and flying very well. Last weekend I did a endurance test and changed the battery for a much larger one. This shifted the CG forward a bit. On Auto takeoff I noticed that the plane wanted to
Hi Guys, Please have a look at my attached log. the copter flies the mission fine but instead of hitting the waypoints it actually flies a curve before hitting the waypoint. Almost like a spline, however this copter is flying FW version 3.15. The miss
I had a oops yesterday, where I was performing a ROI flight to test the gimbal performance. My copter started of great and did what it was supposed to. heading from WP 3 to WP 4 it just suddenly crashed for no apparent reason.
I have been flying my newly scratch build Y6 for the past couple of weeks and everything was going better than planned. I have been playing with props and tuning and also figuring out my new brushless gimbal.
I had my Copter crash on Saturday. I am almost certain that it's some sort of fault within the hardware but i am unable to graph the logs. This is not because they are not present, but because I do not know how.
Flew 6 successful missions with a little ST Models Discovery trainer in the past two days until my last one went terribly wrong and I lost my plane. Please help.
The plane followed the set commands as planned up until the last wa