I want to update esc in one copter that have old common ones but this stuff updates so fast that I find new ones every time when I open HKing page, many of them specialized to racers now, like this one: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/__1077
A few weeks ago I open instructions again for my new build and I found that a discrete DONATE button appears without any announces so, if someone that want to contribute with developers but is not reading instructions, now the button is there :) ; pe
I found this page were they offer RTF Li-ion packs and they says that are 3C discharge; anyone test them here? if 3c it's real, looks interesting for a long endurance quad. :)
We want to invite this community to owr annual Rc meeting at A.M.A. (Asociacion Marplatense de Aeromodelismo), If you are traveling for Argentine during 2-3 April visit Us. in Laguna de los Padres, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentine, you are wel