"I think the problem here is that even if you do the course you have linked to, you are still not able to fly commercially. So (while it looks interesting) I really don't see the point of that course as you would still need an RPAS or Controller's…"
"Ah, Ok that makes sense now :)
I do think that the CASA proposed regs do make things too loose. But the current situation of needing a PPL to operate a 2kg quad is silly too."
"Yep, good thought Badman. Mr Not Sure - I'm not quite sure where you are coming from. Is it Mark's addendum or the original regs CASA has proposed that you disagree with. Your points about experience and training are well put, but the whole point…"
"Mark is both an accomplished UAV operator (as shown on Aussie TV rally coverage) AND a commercial pilot. His comments and suggestions to CASA make a lot of sense and I encourage anyone looking to operate commercially here in Oz to read his…"