Christof Schmid's Discussions (13)

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Testflight ACM 2.033 Beta

Jason, thanks for your endless and persistent work.


I flew my custom quadro today and tested Stabilize and AltHold.Stabilize worked very good for me.

AltHold seemd to be fine when I switched to AltHold at maybe 2m above ground. After a few secs the co

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Battery monitoring in GCS

First of all thanks for this super software.

Doug I followed your changes for battery monitoring.

I have set the battery to 4, using the atto current sensor.
How can I access U,I and most important battery_remaining in the GCS (Planner or HKGCS)?

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Hi Jason


I followed "your" ArduCopterMega code in the last weeks and I would like to load it. Could you plaese give me a short description of the functionality I can test. It would be great if you could add a .txt to the trunk with that information a

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Maiden Flight

Sat 16th the day of truth had come. I made my maidenflight with Easystar. Throttle manual. The Ap would have worked well if my waypoints would have had the expected altitude. Because I was not understanding the rules of "over terrain" my waypoints ha

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ArduPilot, failsafe and OSD

I read in the description of the ardupilot board about a "hardware-based" failsafe. I also see the SW in the AP repository. But nowhere I find a word about uploading the code to the AP. Is the board already preloaded? How can check is the FS is alrea

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I need help with Ardustation (PC)

I just finished the Ardupilot. Everthing looks great. Code loaded, GPS (uBlox5) binded, GPS locked, Sensors working ect.Now I would like to read the GPS data into Ardustation (PC). I have the FTDI Cable correctly attached and configured on COM 8.What

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