So I bought a new laptop yesterday, wiped Win 8 off right away and have Win 7 on it now. I've got all the drivers installed, too. Now the odd part, I'm trying to get my telemetry working.
It works just fine on my desktop, connects and I get data throu
So I was flying in loiter, when suddenly my front left motor arm just rapidly dipped, and recovered about half a second later. I quickly put it into stabilize and brought it back safely.
However now just looking at the logs, I don't really see anythin
So I'm working on tweaking up my copter a bit to get it nice and dialed in. I've got basically everything where I think it should be, although I still have a bit of an issue with the yaw.
It seems that when I command the copter to yaw in one directio
Amused by the fact copters can fly themselves, occasionally I've found myself putting it into loiter, and manually budging the copter around by hand just to see how responsive it actually is. In general it seems quite good, however I feel yaw is a li
Hi all, I've installed my ultrasonic sensor today, the recommended MB1240. I've mounted it on the little protruding tab on the 3dr quad kit, which seems like it's designed for the sensor (square cutout for the inductor n all)