"Thanks Antonie, I will try the autotune, I believe I did this when initially setting it up but haven't since updating firmware. I completely understand how the trigger should work but for some reason it doesn't trigger very often. The reason I…"
"I recently updated firmware in my apm in my skywalker 1900 and also have tracking issues. It flies S curves along the flight lines in a mapping mission. I do 400 meter overshoot and 100 meter lead in, might as well give the plane as much time to get…"
"I flew this new firmware and I have two issues. Maybe it’s my setup but it worked before, first issue is the plane flies a grid poorly it does S turns along a straight line from one point to the next when doing a mapping mission. It used to fly…"
Anyone else having troubles with KML file generation with mission planner? I recently updated the software and now the KML files are empty when generating them from a flight track. Does anyone know how to convert the waypoint file into a useable KML…
I know this is a drones forum, I have drones but this is for my full sized aircraft. I built a roll gimbal to do aerial mapping for projects like pipelines, rivers, roads etc. Aircraft - Pipistrel Virus SWGimbal controller - Phobotic Centrepiece…
I'd like to discuss ground control points for UAV mapping. I'm looking at improving the accuracy of my mapping to -1m accuracy. The most affordable unit I have been able to find is the Bad Elf Surveyor gps unit available for $600 and have -1M…
"Yes I got it to finally work after resetting all perimeters for the pixhawk in mission planner. This seemed to be the only way to fix it, tired everything that 3dr recommended."
"I flew a mission this morning with incredible success! I increased the IR trigger control distance to 15 meters with flight speed of 12m/s. Looks like I got great overlay of entire area. Flight level of 333 feet, maximum allowed altitude in Canada…"
"I just flew a mission with trigg_dist setting of 20 and got 165 images for a fairly large area. I seem to have captured all areas of the mission this time. I unfortunately had to land after first take off because my HUD display went dark and didn't…"
After drawing your polygon and creating survey(grid) a new window pops up, going to "camera Config" you are given three different trigger methods to chose from
Trigger method:
"I have skywalker 1900 with pixhawk using Sony NEX5 with 19mm sigma lens.
So far after a few first test flights I have decent results with shutter priority set to 2500 and auto iso. In my experience with aerial imagery from aircraft, anything below…"
I'm having difficulties getting anything to work out of my i2c port. I talked to tech at 3d robotics and did a bunch of tests, we were unable to figure out the failure. I cannot get anything working from this connection on the board. Everything else…