"Ok, I removed it from the frame and it still has the compass offset warnings and I also notice that it says gyros are still settling now and then also... I think it's a lost cause."
"Yeah, I'm still not sure, I've tried QGroundControl and it shows that both my compasses are not exactly good. Next steps are to remove the flight control from the frame and try it. I'll got it from you Phil a long time ago. As I said, it's not even…"
"I can't seem to get the compass to act right, no matter what I do it tells me the compass offset is too high. I recently just tried to update to the latest firmware 3.4.4 and still no luck. Haven't even seen a flight with this board yet... starting…"
"I'm running 3.4RC1. I get no motor response no matter what I set MOT_PWM_TYPE to. I'm using RCTimers 30amp ESCs that support Onshot125. With 3.3 I was able to get the motors to spin but they go from nothing to full, nothing in between.
"I can throttle up the motor just fine going to the receiver, I was able to throttle up the motor fine on 3.3.4 also... just had no control, it was either off or all the way on. 3.4 has no response what so ever."
"I had all the endpoints setup with the ESCs prior using Cleanflight on a SP F3 racer board. Everything was working fine. I swapped out the board with the Pixracer."
"I'm using RCTimer 30a ESCs loaded with the latest BLHeli firmware. Originally I had PWM disabled, then I enabled it but still nothing. With 3.4 I get no tones from the motors when I plug in the battery."
"I updated to the latest 3.4 as of today.
Still can't calibrate the ESCs. When armed, nothing happens, no response. With 3.3.4, the motors would go full blast with the slightest addition of throttle.
Uploaded the latest log, hopefully it's the right…"
"Wonder if anyone can help me out. I got Pixracer installed on a Beerotor 250 frame with RCTimer BLheli 30a ESCs. I can get it to arm but when I raise the throttle just slightly, the motors go full blast. There seems to be nothing in between. Haven't…"
"I wasn't able to calibrate the accelerometer using MP with the dev firmware, but I could when I switched over to APM Planner.
BTW, MOT_PWM_TYPE=2 didn't work for me. What ever I set it to it didn't work, I could arm but that's about it.