"Hi Forrest,
It sounds really nice. Is there a draft version?
I miss, so I would include if possible, an additional point for SITL.
I´m fighting now with SITL installation and config, and is not too clear how to configure and run it.
cheers, "
"Hi Sérgio,
thanks a lot for the files.
I have a couple of questions.
Why do not use crossed "bridgets"Gimbal Mount vibration Support, in fact it seams that you originaly consider that option with the 4 holes in the inner sides.
the second question…"
"Hi Jesus,
I´m trying to do something similar to you, I mean control an APM 2.5 with a SCB (beagle).
How do you connect the the APM from the BeagleBoard? Do you use USB-TTL serial cable plug on the telemetry UART port? if so, where do you bought…"
"Hi Sergio,
I ´ve been analysing your design and it is simple and clever, based on the six floating transversal "bridges" where stand-offs are hung. What is the distance between the end of those bridged parts and the arm tube that pass by, to avoid…"
"Hi Sergio,
nice job!
do you already sell the kit?
could you give details about how to anchor or fix the gimbal to the hexa body, images or schemas?
Hola a todos?sabe alguien donde encontrar fibra de carbono a precios razonables?me refiero a algún sitio distinto de los que sugiere google.gracias anticipadas, saludos