



Volta Redonda, RJ

Activity Feed

Gerber commented on Chris Anderson's blog post ArduPlane home page
"Hi Friends,

When I try to compile the ArduPilotMega_1_0.pde, I am getting this error message.
What was missing?


C:\Program Files\arduino-0018\libraries\APM_BMP085\APM_BMP085.cpp:43:18: error: Wire.h: No such file or directory

Aug 10, 2010
Gerber commented on automatik's blog post ArduPilot Ground Control Station ready for public beta testing
"Grand Automatik,

Congratulations her GCS was wonderful and the delay is resolved.
You the man!"
May 16, 2010
Gerber posted a discussion
Save friends I'm having trouble withGroundStation and I need your help. It works normally, but theinformation I get from Ardupilot that were once virtually online, are now witha delay of about 10 seconds. So much for the artificial horizon,as for…
May 9, 2010
Gerber replied to Doug Weibel's discussion ArduPilot Firmware Version 2.6
"Hi All,

Sorry for bad English, but I think I understand.

Firstly, I wish to congratulate the team for good work.

With version 2.5.02 and later, I'm not getting the correct information on some items at Ground Station and would like help from…"
Apr 2, 2010
Gerber posted a discussion
Hello friends Diy Drones,I got a new GPS Kit Ublox and did the installation but the ArduStation stopped working.I made the necessary changes in line 1-7 to uBlox as follows:/ / 1-7# define GPS_PROTOCOL 2 / / 0 = NMEA, SIRF = 1, 2 = uBlox, Choose…
Oct 6, 2009
Gerber commented on Jordi Muñoz's blog post Remzibi OSD Now Available!
"Jordi and Happy, I also already bought the U-Blox and I would like buying only the OSD (it will be possible)"
Sep 27, 2009
Gerber commented on Jordi Muñoz's blog post Remzibi OSD Now Available!
"Hi Jordi,
This OSD is compatible with u-blox?
It could only use one gps for OSD and Ardupilot?"
Sep 25, 2009
Gerber replied to JTStringer's discussion Predator Options?

I'm starting the flights and I'm using a Predator.
I'm Adapting (easystar.h) for (predator.h)
I need to increase a little the speed of flight, but I can´t do this.
I´ve made changes in line
/ / 8-6
# Define AIRSPEED_CENTRAL 22 / /
/ / 8-6
Sep 19, 2009
Gerber replied to Gerber's discussion Xbee Pro 900
"Thanks for helping friends,

Reinstall it firmiware of Xbee and it seems this operation.
Now the light to turn green again, but still can not read or write waipoints to Ardupilot, it always returns than this."
Jul 25, 2009
Gerber posted a discussion
Hello all,I need some help, my Xbee stopped working and the just one red LED is on, as in the photo.Did I blow my Xbee, or Xbee adapter kit?I may have connected the cable ftdi reversed.Does anybody can help me?ThanksGerber
Jul 25, 2009
Gerber replied to JTStringer's discussion Predator Options?
"Hi Jeff,

Nal know if I understood right but if you're looking for a Predator UAV r/c in balsa, I ordered this site:
I hope I have helped

Jul 18, 2009
Gerber commented on Chris Anderson's blog post ArduPilot home page
"Hello friends,

I would buy the equipment to mount my UAVs
I have questions regarding the XBee modem, could you help me?
I am using 72 MHz RC
Transmitting video and audio of 2.4 Ghz.
I buy the 2.4 GHz XBee or 900Mhz?

Thank you,
Jun 18, 2009