"Hi Kay
I had the interface running with an APM mini from Hobbyking. The MavLink2Hott interface was connected parallel to minimOSD. In the meantime I changed APM mini to Pixracer from Hobbyking and it is working as before.
"Made a short test shows that it works. When setting DIR=YAW speed is OFF, GPS direction ist used, else the compass direction. Currently there is no GPS indoors, I will do some more tests within the next days when it is dry outside.
The letters next…"
"Your idea is a good approach, maybe a little extended:
If movement in air about <min> km/h and about <min> satellites show GPS direction else show compass yaw.
This will avoid changing direction on copters with weak GPS signal when hovering (there…"
"Loaded today MAVLink2Hott 1.4 into a pro mini board.
It works great with my MC32 and GR-16.
The first thing I noticed is that the GPS coordinates are not correct: Graupner Display shows coordinates in dd° mm.mmm' format.
When you compare the…"
"Great job, can you publish source on github to allow community support.
Wiki pages allow to give more information on setup and configuration to users.
@deepflight: as I know works 3,3V version on 8MHz instead of 16MHz of 5V version."
"Maybe I found my issue while try to get this code running:
My mistake was to use the minimosd connector to supply the arduino board with mavlink data. Minimosd is connected to telem2 - didn´t doublecheck if it worked after the last updates.
"Hi Michael,
is there any progress in development of this useful software? Sharing would be great and would allow further branches.
I loaded the hexfile into a arduino uno connected on pixhawk running 3.3.2. Flight modes are shown on MC32 but no…"
"Do you think about the integration of Graupner HoTT telemetry? It´s very popular in europe. An APM integration can be found there: https://code.google.com/p/hott-for-ardupilot/ but unfortunately there is no support for the new pixhawk hardware. "
I also try to connect Pixhawk to my Graupner receiver.
After reading the Graupner HoTT Telemetry instructions it was clear to enter the "NSH" console.
I found this instruction "Interfacing with the Pixhawk using…"