"It's obvious the OP ed tool is exactly that. No amount of logic or explanation can excuse or hide the pathological desire to control free people, no matter how small the infringement. They continually want surrender from innocents because of fear…"
"I found it, I changed GRAVITY to 4096 in DCM and in the scaling of accel vector, I used 1024/981. IT WORKS. :). Pitch and Roll are very very close to dead on. The Compass adjusted yaw drift seems to work, doesnt wander around but if it doesnt…"
"I'm interested in this too. I got the new ArduIMU but only has test code so far. In Ardupilot 2.7 there is a #define for selecting which type of GPS which includes ArduIMU v2. I'm hoping the output of V3 will look enough like V2, they are pin…"
How about print a structure onto photosensitive polymer and for artificial muscle coat an electroactive polymer. I read something about that recently where they printed a polymer and the advantage is nano tube structure that is light and…"
"OK, thanks. I also found the MKII pin assignments in the help on AVR Studio. Then, one more question is the correct bootloader the same one used for Ardupilot that also uses the 328?"