"TELEM1に接続していたOSD kitが悪さをしていたようです。
Full Paremeter List の SERIAL1_BAUD , SERIAL2_BAUD ともに57600bpsになっている状態では前回のようなTerminalの文字化けが起こります。
Tomi Mizyaさんありがとうございました。"
"Randy,Thanks for your quick reply.
I have confirmed the baud rate of the XBee and Pixhawk, but is a situation that can not be still connected.
Do you have any cause to be considered in the other?"
"Hi - I've just started to work with Pixhawk snd XBEE Wi-Fi (Switchscience S6B).
I have followed the directions given in the 3DRobotics tutorial ( http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-telemetry-xbee/ ) on how to connect
the two together. The…"