James Roney's Discussions (33)

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Understanding Planner a little more.



In the Flight Planner tab, there are a few options and I would like to know exactly what they do and perhaps how it might affect performance and the planned flight.


Please will you give me a brief understanding of


WP Radius (Is this how larg

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Was the crash my fault?



I was testing altitude hold for the first time today.  First altitude hold was reasonably successfully, but I was in tight quaters so I flicked it back to Stabilze.  That first altitude hold was around 1m off the ground.  Second Alt hold att

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Motors command under Setup



When running the motors command in cli under setup, my understanding is that you will then be able to use stick inputs to check the direction of each motor.


When I run the command, it moves to the next line and does not do anything further. 

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Radio Calibration



When doing radio calibration through the configuration setup TAB, the configuration is written to the ardumega ok, however if you access terminal afterwords, go into setup you get a warning that the radio has not yet been configured.




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Voltage Monitor Problem



I hooked up my voltage monitoring as per the instructions in the manual.  I get a reading of 16v rather than 12.45V that I get on my test meter.


Any ideas?




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APM Planner Software Changelog



Two things.


Firstly, is there a software changelog showing changes between versions?


Secondly, has someone done screenshots with labels of the most recent version with labels to explain what all of the different pointers do and maybe an expl

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Sonar Sensor



I have read up that if I want to use the LV Sonar sensor I have to change it in the raw code.  Something that I am no good at.  Would it be possible to change it from XL to LV somehow in the planner?




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APM Mission Planner Compass Declination



I would like to query the declination parameter.  It asks you to insert a declination of between -15 and 15 during the setup phase.  I live down at the bottom of the african continent in South Africa.  Our declination is 17'.  If I input thi

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My custom built Quadcopter


I thought I would share my quadcopter build experience with you.


I started with the idea of using Trex 600 tail booms for the arms.  Concept pic below.


I thought alot about the body assembly and did some enquires about the cost for various mat

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