"Maybe I am doing something wrong, but it seems that APM planner does connect initially but then after about 10 seconds the telemetry fails and the HUD display in the Flight Data section does not reflect Solo orientation. Also in the Flight Plan…"
"@hotelzululima -- thanks for the reminder. I have the phantom nuts and spare propellers so I will give this a try. But I am surprised that others aren't reporting under-powered IRIS+ flights in their logs. Is the high throttle considered normal with…"
"Randy: Thanks for the reply. The logs reveal that the Throttle output is indeed over 700 with the gimbal and GoPro onboard but this is the config that 3DR promotes as standard. They added a more powerful battery and motors along with lighter arms…"
"This report concerns an IRIS that was converted to an IRIS+ via the 3DR upgrade kit. I re-calibrated the transmitter in Mission Planner just to be safe. When I fly with 3.2 and the IRIS+ parameters and do an Auto Analysis on the DataFLash logs I am…"
"Following up my own comment.
I was using the wrong method to generate the data flash logs for auto analysis. The video I was using as a guide has you go through the MP terminal interface and the right thing to do is use the Download DataFlash Log…"
"Trying to use Mission Planner running inside my VMware Fusion (on my Mac) Windows 7 VM to look at data flash logs obtained after switching to the new 3.2 firmware. I can get the logs from my IRIS via the Mission Planner terminal but then when I try…"
"Thanks for the pointer. 3DR removed Stabilize as one of the standard flight modes for the IRIS+ and also for the upgraded IRIS. I guess I could put it back temporarily with Mission Planner to get the actual in-flight experience and then do the…"
"I just upgraded my IRIS to a an almost IRIS+ with the upgrade kit from 3DR and am running the almost released 3.2 software. Anyone have a suggestion for what I should set THR_MID to? I noticed during Alt-Hold and Loiter that it hovers with my…"