Last year I bought the 3dr DIY quadcopter kit and purchased separately the Spektrum DX7s transmitter with the Spektrum AR8000 receiver. I only just recently assembled everything. I have updated the apm with the latest update, calibrated the esc's,…
"Hey Josh,
You mentioned that your channels were not correct when you first built yours. What radio and receiver are you using. I am still have trouble taking off and wondering if I got my channels screwed up."
I completed my y6 and am having trouble getting it in the air. All the escs are calibrated and the motors spin at the same time when armed. I have Mission Planner set the frame configuration to the newer y6b. The top motors spin CW with the 10 inch…
"Hey Jesse,
I completed my y6 and am having trouble getting it in the air. All the escs are calibrated and the motors spin at the same time when armed. I have Mission Planner set the frame configuration to the newer y6b. The top motors spin CW with…"