Hello, yesterday I crashed my hexacopter :'( It was flying perfect all the morning but suddenly at 13:24 it was flying at 10-15 meters high and it rolled to the left and falled with no control. It is destroyed as you can see in the picture, lucky it
Hello, I've just installed my new gimbal (This one) and it works great! But I'm trying to add the Ch_6 function to control the tilt. It works great but only in +-30º if I pass those angles it starts to shake and goes crazy... It works great if I pass
Hello, I'm having some problems trying to connect the APM trought the USB port. It had been working fine, but today I can't do it... It connects trought the 3DR Radio (PORT 6) but with the USB cable only the terminal tab connects and I can do all the
Hello, I already have a GoPro and a Gimbal working on my Hexacopter. Now, I'm looking for a good camera for FPV. I don't need an expensive camera, just a good one to see where I am and what I'm filming with my GoPro... Right now I have a Boscam 5.8Gh
Hello, I burnt my 3DR power module due to a wrong connection... :( The yellow component installed in the center of the board, and looking at the Eagle Schematics, the one which do all the calculations of intensity, is dust...