Kelly Aoki's Discussions (6)

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No Servo Control



I have got my ardupilot up and running, everything is working fine with all components (shield,IMU, and ublox GPS) now i tried to connect the servos through the board.  However, they are not responding to inputs given by the controller.  i kno

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IMU and GPS Lock

I have been having an issue getting GPS lock on the IMU.  I have been able to get GPS lock in the past but when i started up ardupilot today, the GPS light on the IMU doesn't even come on and start blinking.  Anyone know any reasons why this may be? 

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Airspeed Sensor



I had a couple of questions regarding the airspeed sensor


1) What equations are used to actually calculate the airspeed? It must have to do with both the dynamic pressure and the density


2) where is the density coming from? how is it calculated?


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Powering the ArduPilot board with Shield

I have been trying to get the code loaded into my ardupilot board.  I have been using a shield with it but for some reason i can get the code to load without the shield, but not with it on.  I think i may be unsure about how the power is supposed to

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Ardupilot board won't reset

I have been trying to get the code loaded on my board and for some reason the board does not reset when loading the code.  Could this be a problem with the bootloader?  I ordered a new board (think i fried the first one), and everything else seems to

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Ardupilot and mac

I have been trying to upload the code to my ardupilot board.  I am using both an imu and a shield but everytime i try to upload the code it makes me restart my computer before the code is done uploading.  i have been able to load the code on both the

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