"When I try to upload with the sparkfun cable, I get the error "Value was either too large or too small for an Int32"
Is that the erro because of the cable type or why is that error?
Should it read GPS altitud and then pull the elevator to compensate? Or maybe it doesn´t pull it enough?
Btw, I tried software version 2.1 in my ardupilot board (w/atmega 168) and it doesn´t work. Something to look to
see what the problem…"
Hi peopleI have this plane (http://www.mirax.cl/detalles.php?codigo=10153) with a Ardupilotversion 2.0.1, no Z sensor.I put some waypoints in the waipoints tab all with the same altitude (25 mts),but when I actuvate the autopilot, it does the…
"Thank you people for all the ideas. I have a Futaba 2.4 Ghz receiver, so as mentioned by bcr, I will use the led state to know if I lost the transmitter signal.
No code changes needed. Just a simple circuit to activate the autopilot and that´s…"
Hi folks. I've readed in the comments in the ardupilot that it´s imposible to detect the lost of the rc control because in case of lost of connection, the rc receptor just cut´s down the engine and it´s imposible to know if that comes from a lost of…