


About Me:

IT Professional Germany absolut RC stuff newbie

Please tell us a bit about your UAV interest

Flying I like the Arduino. I have done similar projects with Arduino´s. This is my next one -)



Activity Feed

Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
i had the same prob and written my own small tool with some code MP.http://gpx-geotagger.googlecode.com/svn/geotagger_a001.rarmfg milz"
Apr 22, 2014
Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
"I´m not 100% sure but i think the way how the gps coordinates will be found is different to the orginal script.And the main goal is.. it´s works for me. i couldnt get the orginal script running.I build a list of images and a list of gps coordinates…"
Oct 10, 2013
Milz replied to Martin Deland's discussion Loiter Position problem in German Ardu-Group
"Unterspannung auschalten oder direkt simonK geflashte ESC benutzen.
Oct 10, 2013
Milz replied to Martin Deland's discussion Loiter Position problem in German Ardu-Group
"HiDas der Toilet Bowling effect -) Da hilft ein externer Kompass oder die Kabel besser verlegen.http://copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/common-external-magnetometer-for-i... milz"
Oct 5, 2013
Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
"I have cannibalized the georefimages.cs and writren my own small toolyou can found it herehttp://code.google.com/p/gpx-geotagger/source/browse/the rar contants the exeuctable program. The tool works only with the gpx file.It´s create a new file with…"
Oct 5, 2013
Milz replied to Peter Hohmann's discussion Problem with timestamps in GPX logfiles (APM2 + ArduPlane 2.72 + MP 1.2.53)
Sep 28, 2013
Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
"Sorry forgot to sayOS Win7 Ultimate SP1 64bitlatest updates and several .net enviroments"
Sep 27, 2013
Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
"Hello I´ve tested it again and it won´t work 100%. the first tow images will be tagged now. after the second images in folder the process stopped and i got an error after i click geotag images.The timestamp from the logfiles seems in the futures.…"
Sep 27, 2013
Milz commented on Caroline Rees's blog post Video: Multicopter Beer Delivery (inc. the making of)
"as german i have to say: heineken is no beer it´s "Pippiwasser" means Piepiewater -)"
Sep 11, 2013
Milz commented on Sandro Benigno's blog post GeoTagging Images on Mission Planner
"HelloYesterday (27.08) ive tested my first geotagging mission but i forget to the clock time from the camera.I change the time from the images via Faststone to test the geo ref images script.
The timestamp from the logs in is the future for 2 days…"
Aug 28, 2013
Milz replied to Adrian's discussion Problem with APM2 powering up - my investigation...
"HelloI´m not sure. Can i use this http://www.produktinfo.conrad.com/datenblaetter/175000-199999/18011... (6v2) instant of the 1N5233 cause its difficault to get them here.
thanks in advanced
mfg milz"
Oct 22, 2012
Milz replied to Marvin K.'s discussion Suche Multikopterpiloten aus dem Bereich Köln/Bonn in ArduCopter User Group
"Hi Martin

Hört sich für mich mehr nach FliptoDeath an. Btw wie fliegst du ? ACC / Stablize ?

mfg milz"
Sep 1, 2012
Milz posted a discussion in German Ardu-Group
HiKann mir jemand sage wie hoch die Refresh Rate der Kamera Gimbal Servos ist ?Muss mir Servos kaufen und überleg jetzt ob analog oder digital.mfg milz
Jul 17, 2012