"I already have a Sparkfun FTDI to serial converter the ones I have has a TTL level module and one with an USB/FTDI chip not sure if you bought 2 if you can configure the 2 TTL serial modules to talk to each other or not"
Some things I have learned about Xbee from hands on experimentation.
1) Keep the packet size to < 100 bytes in either direction
2) Allow for 50% dead air on 20mS at 38,400 my TX packet is sent in 8mS so 12ms dead air,…"
"I do too use it a lot at work. You can use VS 2010 C# on the Netduino/FEZ Panda with Micro CLR but its not real-time I tried to use Netduino a while back so now I use Arduino for my projects. I will have the TX running on Arduino soon hopefully "