Does Anybody know if there would be a respin of the APM2 daughteboard in order to include a three pin connector or some other easy access to the SPI pins without soldering the cables for the optical flow connector?
I am trying to get HIL working with AeroSIM-RC, i am using the the RC radio to control this. I have done the radio calibration however i am hving a problem with the gain as it seems to be biased.
When i use a big gain (10000) the copter doesnt take o
Has anybody experienced metal screws of the mount loosening due to vibration?
I have not even able to take off my drone yet due to a bad legs shipment but after turning on the motors for testing for couple of minutes found out that one of the roll scr
Anybody using the Turnigy 9x could please share how to do the 6 mode configuration on the transmitter using the aux 3 position mode and other 2 positon switch? including what channels were connected to the APM.
I am finishing the setup of my Quad and I have seen that some directly solder the cables of the ESCs to the PDB while other use deans connectors on it. I would like to ask you for recommendation on what and what you are using.
I am designing an IMU Board using LY530ALH and LPR530AL as gyros. I want this board to connect as a doughterboard via I2C and SPI to a uC board that i already have.In order to do that i have to put an ADC in this board and do SPI. I am considering to