I have a small problem with the ArduPilot when I put it in both FLY_BY_WIRE_A and FLY_BY_WIRE_B, the rudder goes almost full to the left, not all the way but say 80%.
The rudder still works both ways, and everything else works fine in both the FLY_B
Hi, I am in the planning face of building an EasyStar with ArduPilot, and I need to buy an transmitter.I have been thinking of buying a Futuba 6EXP, 6EXG or 7C.(Yes, I know about the cheap Turnigy, so now need to mention it.)But which should i go for
Hi, I am new to this hobby and hope to get some advise here.I am planing on building a DIY drone of course, so i just bought myself an EasyStar kit.After doing some research, this is the setup I am planning to buy for it:Tx/Rx:Futuba 6EXP, 6EXG or 7C