I googled around DIYD trying to find a post on the Mini Talon but couldn't find anything. Not long after the X-UAV Talon the Mini Talon made its debut! So far I've had this backpacked sized drone up for about 30 minutes in a auto mission. Packed with a 4s4000 pack, 8x4.5 prop and a 2216-1250kv Sunny Sky motor it sips about 3 amps.
After putting my Mini Talon together I ran an autotune. Thanks to the devs for this awesome feature. Makes tuning a whole lot easier. The only thing I had to do was adjust a few things like L1, and touch up on the gains a little bit.
Once I have my airspeed sensor in I'll adjust TECS and start having some fun!
As part of giving back to the community I've attached my parameter file.
- This is for a 1400g Talon Mini, YMMV depending on weight
- I have about 80/20 Dual Rate / Expo on a switch for manual flying.
- ArduPlane 3.0.x now introduces AutoTune. I'd HIGHLY suggest using that to tune and then compare to the attached parameters.
- My Aileron linkages are inside hole (Servo), middle hole (control horn)
- My Elevator linkages are outside hole (Servo), middle hole (control horn)
- Check your mode switches and calibrate your radio if you use these parameters.
- I'm not responsible if the parameters provided crashes your plane