"Hi guys!
Thank you for your excellent work!
I managed to fly many kilometers with this new controller, the plane follows the track very well.
I found only one strange thing: around the middle of every turn the plane gets back to horizontal position…"
De ha már itt vagytok :)
ALT_CTRL_ALG -nál melyik üzemmódot használjátok? Default vagy non-airspeed?
Én ha a default-ot használom, akkor eléggé furcsán viselkedik a gép, néha zuhanásba viszi a gépet, ... Pedig jó lenne ha airspeed szenzort…"
"I experienced a similar issue like Rana.
In FBW-A mode the plane suddenly push down the nose (approx. -20 degree) and losing alt while the GCS/ArduPlane shows positive pitch.
You can see the event in this…"