



Chicago, IL

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AP, and a bit of FPV fun!



Activity Feed

Thomas Donalek commented on Thomas J Coyle III's blog post Drones Could Help Monitor Methane from Fracking
"yeah - I'm inferring (guessing?) that they want to survey fairly large areas, where longer flight times and the ability to cover more ground would make fixed-wing better than a multi-rotor.  Unless maybe they're inspecting hard to access…"
Mar 13, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Chris Anderson's blog post How much damage would a small drone do to a jet engine?
"I very much appreciate Guy McCladden's comment - there are a lot of questions not addressed in the IEEE article.
Our goal here should be to promote a realistic assessment of the risks posed.  At one extreme, you see popular comments that imply that…"
Mar 13, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Crispin's blog post Drones are now banned from London's Royal Parks
"Was it previously permitted to fly model aircraft in these parks?  My sense is that in many places there are rules on the books dating back to when "RC aircraft" meant a medium-sized fixed wing plane with a loud, smoky, fire-hazard,…"
Mar 10, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Dave Giles's blog post Government hustles to enact privacy rules for drones
"F1P, I am not a lawyer, but the sort of "convictions group" you might be thinking of would be essentially a religion in US law, not something like "people who fly drones."  For a law that claims to protect the privacy of the general public, arguing…"
Mar 8, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Dave Giles's blog post Government hustles to enact privacy rules for drones
"In many aspects of privacy, we already have existing laws that have been worked through in courts.  If a neighbor stands in his back yard with a wide angle lens on a camera and takes a photo in any direction, he's likely to get the adjacent houses…"
Mar 7, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Chris Anderson's blog post Newspaper: "We must ban drones outright before it's too late"
"In his one comment in the comment thread on the column, Mr. Zorn linked directly to a youtube video as "evidence" to support his "thesis."  That video is clearly a parody - a guy with a fake Russian accent "flying" a badly CG rendered "drone" that's…"
Mar 4, 2015
Thomas Donalek commented on Thomas J Coyle III's blog post Pilot pressure explains FAA’s indecisiveness on drones
"I had suspected the same - that there were manned aircraft commercial operators whose business model doesn't fare well versus UASs who were lobbying the FAA to avoid competition... but the linked article seems very, very short on facts or details."
Jan 21, 2015
Thomas Donalek replied to xoltri's discussion Pixhawk causing motor sync issues.
"Artem - thanks very much for the suggestions.  From this thread, it sounds like the most likely to be problematic combination is Afro (SimonK-based) + Pixhawk.  The max. I can get eCalc to generate (with different prop options) is about 15A, so…"
Dec 10, 2014
Thomas Donalek replied to xoltri's discussion Pixhawk causing motor sync issues.
"I'm looking to put together a 680 hex, and I'd prefer to use a Pixhawk.  I've selected the SunnySky V4010 motors (KV375) and 6s batteries.  Each motor will draw less than 20A at peak.  With that low per motor current draw and a 6s system, my ESC…"
Dec 9, 2014