"I would only do it with someone in uk land with telemetry, video rx AND another radio. Use rangelink(new chainlink) UHF with multimaster(2 TX radios one in france one in uk)."
Leonard Hall came up with the yaw factors which are what you see below. I'm not sure exactly how he calculated them.
When you're setting up the motors, there are 3 factors that must be defined. One for each of roll, pitch…"
"I browsed but didn't find anything. I would like to know the formulas to get that magic motor mixing number. We have the angles already, but the motor power is a problem."
"lol... I have spent tons of money with ardupilot + ublox lea-6h gps + 3dr telemetry 433mhz + minimosd and my minimosd only works when I click connect on mission planner.
I need it working by itself because I'll not bring my PC every time I want to…"
"Is it possible to get MPU6050 quaternion data(gyro + accel) directly from hardware(DMP) and than fusion magnetometer data on software to get 9DOF quaternion?"
"@px4 - I see the code and appears that you're not using MPU6000 for nothing. Will you support a sensor fusion between the 2 gyros and 2 acc to get better stability?"